brown alge stuff growing on the glass all over...looks like rust.. what is it?


It looks like it's rust but it washes off when I clean the tank. Nothing metal in my tank! What do I do about this??????:confused:


Hi there,
I don't know what it is, but sounds like a bloom of algea. I like to go to GARF for algea control info, they should be able to help look under the how to pages.
Hope it helps. Sorry it is research involved, but I wouldn't want to steer you wrong.


I am a student and right now I am hating research!! But as I always say, this too shall pass. I grew up in Miami, my family is still there. I am looking at a masters down there in a few years, AUGH MORE RESEARCH!!!!!


Sounds like diatoms, get a silica test kit, silica is usually the culprit, though nitrates and phosphates also play a role. BTW, snails will help to control this, look for a snail that eats diatoms.


Hey crabbypants... Miami in da house!
Anyway, any names for snails that I should look into? And, what are diatoms?


I have the same problem too :( . Just started a little yesterday and today its taken over almost half of my tank.
Bought a 3 snail's more. Going to reduce the amount of light (specially since i just added it a few day's ago). Hopefully by monday it'll be fine.


diatoms: Microscopic organisms with silica skeletons.
I have to refer to GARF again due to my incredible lack of knowledge. I have been digesting their site, and have seen a bit of info on diatoms there.
According to Saltwater for Dummies diatoms proliferate in aquariums with high nitrate levels, so check those levels and a H20 change may be in order. They are usually the first algae to establish themselves. They form a brown slime on the gravel rocks and glass. They can discolor water due to high concentrations. As the aquarium matures they should dissappear. Until they do scrape them away from the glass so you can see your pets.
What school Miami? Uof M FIU MDCC?
It's cold up here in Indiana for a South Florida girl, Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!


i just got all this under controll in my 90 gal...... brown junk all over the gravel, glass and rocks.... i bought a ro syste and used that water and not the tap cuz our tap was high in phos and silica...... but the ro along with the di there is no trace of anything...


I have purchased the Diatom Reef Control snails from Garf and have been totally amazed! The main snail they use and I've had great success with is the Cerith Snail.
Most of my Corals have come from them as well and although the corals are small they are very hardy. They are very knowledgable as well and will share their experiences with you without hesitation.
most of the articles that I have read about algae is that if you turn off the lights it will not get rid of the problem ecause as soon as you turn the lights back on full time it will come back just like it is now. The best thing to do is get rid of the algae by something that will eat it. Most of the sites will tell you that you need between 1 and 1.5 either snails or crabs per gallon.
I hope this will help.


Well, i added 3 more snail's and about 3 more crab's last evening to the tank. Since I just added the light this week, and started with atleast 14hrs a day of lighting, i cut it down to 12. I have done all my water changes with Distilled water and from the next change will be using RO.
I checked my nitrate level's and they are 0 for now. Also the other factor that play's an imp role in my tank is that its right opposite a window :(. So yes, a little sunlight does come through, but not alot.
The snail's i added are mexican/margarita(sp?) snail's. They did do a good cleanup job overnight atleast. :)


I posted these in another thread but here they are again.

The same tank three days later!!

Things not to do!
1. FREAK OUT!! - This will pass, don't do anything unusual
2. Frequent water changes. - The diatom's will go away when all the energy they are using is gone. Puting more fresh energy in the tank does not help.
3. Change the lighting schedule. - Energy again. When you put the lights back on schedule the diatoms will bloom again.
Thing to do!
1. Just use a good clean up crew, I use GARF's also, and scrap the glass on the front so you can see.
2. Try and enjoy it for what it's worth.


the problem is worse and my only fish left was dead when I got home last night.... Not sure if this played a part or not. So all i have not is 1 peppermint shrimp, 1 carrot sponge and about 35# lr, 60#ls. I want to get this under control before I put more fish. (and maybe finally buy a book).
I go to BCC South now. Just moved to the Aventura/Hallandale area. Needed a quieter neighborhood for my daughters sake:p :D


Did you read these poet? Wow, I am going to get a crew from GARF for my tank once the cycle is done. Sorry about your fish death. Are you using RO H2O? I am going to buy the conscientious marine aqaurist soon, but for the basics I have the Saltwater for dummies book. The Cerith Snail in the gARF crew seems to be quite a worker. The pictures posted show the proof. I have also heard the Mexican does well. I hope all this helps, fall back and regroup!
Good Luck