brown alge

hey for the past 2 or 3 weeks i have noticed a brown alge growing on my lr and crushed coarl it looks like it has hair b or some thing float ing in it is this normal i has only had this tank up and runnig for about 3 months is this part of the cycle . if u know what this is please let meknow and when is a good time to add fish at this point????? thanx for ur time


I had the same problem in my new tank but then one day it just started disappearing for the most part. There is still some there but i have almost every type of unwanted algea growing in my tank. Get the filter pads that remove phosphate and but that in your filter. It seamed to help me. I paid like $4.00 at the lfs for it.


yeah tap water could be the cause
What kind of water did you use?
What type of substrate do you have?
And if its sand what kind? (Playsand, etc.)
i use tap water to top off the water in the tank about 1 to 2 times a week. i used crushed coarl because the guy at my fs said it is a good ph buffer


I have found one of the best ways to speed up removal is to get a phosphate/silicate removal pad/media and place in your sump under the intake filter (on top of the bio balls) or if you have a canister type filter place under the exit floss (filter).
This is very normal to happen for new tanks.
One other suggestion is to use R/O filtered water from a trusted source. Try to stay away from tap water as this contains everything you DONT want in your tank.
Good luck.