brown algea covered l/r

I want to know if this is normal because I've just added the 20lbs. of l/r two weeks ago. I've had a problem with the ditritus(sp) before I added the rock. I wanted to make sure that my l/r is safe? I also want to know how would I be able to see if the rock has life on it or not. I did the smell thing everything checked out ok, but I want to make sure that it's still living.


Active Member
Get some turbo snails. They will eat all of the brown stuff off of the rocks and then you will be able to see the coralline under it if there is any.
I have the same problem. My tanks been up a month. Its just the normal process when breaking in the tank. Im waiting for it to turn green. Even the sand is covered with brown algae.


New Member
I have a problem like that. My parents had bought be a couple pounds of lr from our lfs
it looked fine except it had this long hair algae. Its only been a month or so and now its all over my live rock sand and glass.
I have a decorator crab, sea urchin and a hermit crab and they dont seem to be taking care of it very well. And this has been like a month or so.


A queen will get too big for your 55 most likely, I think a better choice would be a fighting conch.
I got a Lawnmower Blenny, he cleaned my rocks, substrate, and even the glass. He is a tireless worker and I swear by them.


New Member
I just got a sailfin blenny and in only a couple of days he has completely cleaned off a rather large rock. Much more interesting to watch than a turbo snail, a must for any tank.
I'm sorry it took so long to reply I was having troubles with my computer. I failed to mention to you guys and girls that I have a 7inch mappa puffer inside the tank and he's not to happy about new friends. I've tried turbo's a number of times and they just die within a week or two.

here fishy

There is a white powder that comes in a little vial. (Yeah I know how this sounds)
I'm sorry but the name eludes me but I see it a t every shop down here.
I have had no need for it in a year now but it cleans all the slime algea right out of the tank. Never affected all my other live growth. Also check you phosphate levels as this will cause this problem continually for you. Might be the water in your area. Finally constant water changes every two weeks should help this also....Don't know why your snails keep dying unless the puffer is bothering them....
Your right the puffer bothers them constantly. He tips them over and some times I'm not there in enough time.
As for "the white stuff" I'll do some research. I have this brown algea problem from a number of things from tap water to not enough water circulation so until I correct the things that I know is causing it, I cann't put my finger on it.
Thanks for the reply


Active Member
turbos, or trochus snails, botha re great, and I will definitely second the blenny, I love watching him eat, he's so cool, leaving what looks like lip prints all over the tank, jsut make sure you get enough to do the job and not too many otherwise you won't notice any gain,