As long as you don't have any corals or anything that requires light I would realy try turning them off for 24hrs. I have never tried the bottled saltwater so I don't know how that is but I guess it is probably pretty good. I looked at a book that identifies this algae. Couldn't tell ya the actual name of it but it isn't diatom. I call it "pain in the a**". There realy isn't anything to do but wait. I would't use chemicals. Just try and wait it out. I clean mine and even try to vac the top layer of sand to get some of it. The stuff floating around in the water the filter will pick up. The book said that there is nothing realy to do but keep up on water changes, clean the glass, up the water flow over the area, and decrease light usage by over half and wait. Cleaning crews won't touch the stuff. Mine has been there for about a month and is still there but has faded alot by just doing the above. I hope you have luck in getting rid of yours faster but patience is the key.