Brown algea like substance that won't go away


New Member
Have this brown algae looking stuff on my tank walls.....tried chemi-clear and multiple other items but after scrubbing it away it just comes right back....also, how do I keep the red algea near my lights from reoccuring?


it could be many things. my guess is high phosphate levels from poor water quality(not enough water changes with ro water) and- or your lights are on to long.


Active Member
Try to cut back on feedings and light time, check your phosphates. Is this a new tank? What do you have for water movement?you may need more


New Member
Thanks for all the responses....could be all of the above...I leave the lights on for a good 16 hours per that too long?......I have a couple of power heads and a filter but what could make the water move more than it should?.......I don't over feed the fish, that's for sure. And as far as water changes go, I change out at least 20% of the water every 2 weeks....although it is tap water, I add a chemical that dissapates the chlorine in it. Any suggestions? Thanks!!


Active Member
16 hrs is too long,maybe more like 10-12hrs, You really need RO/DI water cause tap water even w/dechorilizer has otherminerals that will cause your phosphates to rise,and give you problems.Lots of people on this board have had success w /tap for a short period of time and then it always becomes a problem.What is your turn over rate ?How big is your tank?Maybe you need more powerheads or bigger pump.


How old are your bulbs and what is their spectrum. I once had a problem with algae in my tank. First it was phosphates, once I got that under control, the algae was going away, but then it started growing back. I also noticed that my polyps where not growing. Once I replaced the Actinic bulbs the issue cleared up fast.


New Member
It's only a 55 gallon has a filter made for a 90 gallon tank though. The stuff on the walls wipes away with ease but keeps coming back. As far as the bulbs go, I have what's called a half and half: half actinic and half daylight....not sure if that's the best either....which might be the cause of why none of the anemone's have survived.


New Member
How old is your tank, that would have alot to do with it and whats the current chemistry of the water. It sounds like diatoms, if it's a new system once it's finished cycling the diatoms will cease, a good way to help get rid of it is to take a sponge and wipe the glass but remove it from the water then rinse off, if you only brush it way with a scrubber it will get into the water column and only spread further.


New Member
How does one test for phosphates? I also have a lot of brown algea I'd like to see gone without hurting the rock or invertebrates. I started my tank about 5 weeks ago.


Active Member
Test kits for phosphates.New tanks usually get some alge bloom.Try to feed less and cut back on lights.It will subside.make sure you have enough water movement too. :joy: