Brown carpet anemone help

w glint

Hey guys,
Two days ago a friend of mine had to take his tank down on the fly, ill spare the details. Anyhow, he parted out all his fish, inverts, and coral and the only thing he still had to find a home for was his brown carpet nem'. Long story short, i have it in my tank. I've done some reading on them, but not all that extensively. I have had bulb tips in the past in my nano system and had geat results, but im a bit leery of this guy.
Im not sure of what exactly im soposed to be looking for when its healthy / sick / stressed out / ect. I have some pics here and ill post tank codditions as well. If you could just let me know what you think of it, that'd be great.

It sort of looks like the bottom tentacles here are a bit stringy looking to me..?

My Yellow Tang is an attention whore :p

The column above the foot almost looks twisted / swollen

Curious if that is how the mouth should look. And the lack of tentacles in some spots too.
Tank params: 150g DT, 20g sump, 20g remote fuge. 140lb live rock, 50lbs in sump / fuge
Temp: 80 +/- 1
Salinity: NSW
Nitrates: 10-12 depending on how many days removed it is from bi weekly waterchange
Ammo/nitrite: 0
Lights: (3) 50w 14000k LED flood lights (I get crazy growth on my shooms', candy canes, and BTA )
Note: i did have a little bit of a battle getting it out of the bag when putting it into the tank, very sticky / wouldnt let go.