New Member
Hello, I have been involved with plumbing peoples tanks for about 5 years.but never learned how to care for. I purchased a 200 gal. established tank1 week ago. the tear down and rebuild went off perfect, only lost one small plant.this sat past. 1 week running. I did small stom affect and a vacuum. the replaced filters and 30 gal water. at lunch sat. did all my water tests.all were right there,calcium needed just a boost. but fine after that. sun morning everything fine.feed them 10am . all day into evening 11pm looked great. came home after work 5pm and sand was covered with rust covering.
what is this and what is off. snails and hermits arrive tues am. this tank was neglected and in tough shape. help is appreciated!!! or I will call anyone just leave #or mine 207-229-4486 Don
what is this and what is off. snails and hermits arrive tues am. this tank was neglected and in tough shape. help is appreciated!!! or I will call anyone just leave #or mine 207-229-4486 Don