Brown Guck


for "all around" clean up there are all kinds of ideas. if you look at this web site or many others they advertise "clean up crews". these exsist of several kinds of snails ...etc. to clean your whole tank, especially if you have lr.
If just your glass you are worrying about, again there are a couple of types of snails, and also many folks (myself included) use a "lawnmower" blenny. This is an unassuming fish but is very cool to have around.
Of course this is all just mho....
hope this helps

nm reef

Active Member
I've got astros....turbos and a few assorted others....all of 'em will from time to time browse along the front glass......but still I have to use a lil elbow grease about once every 10 days or so....just part of the up-keep I guess


New Member
I'm still new at this, so I may be wrong on the name. I got 3 red striped snails and in a day, every bit of brown algae was gone. These guys are truly amazing.