Brown layer on sand?


My new 90gal tank is cycling right now and this morning I noticed in the corner of the tank that the sand is covered in a layer of brown possible algae. I think it might be because there is not water flo in that corner of the tank! Is this bad or normal and something that the cleaning crew will take care of? As soon as my tank cycles I will get a cleaning crew. My tank currently has alot of L/R and will be a reef tank, any suggestions for a good cleaning crew? What and how many?...any input would be great!


its is probaly just diatoms...but imo there should be no area of the tak with out water flow....jus a suggestion......about a clean up cew i would probaly get 50 turbo snails and about 35 scarlet hermit crabs (don't get dwarf they may be cheaper but always ALWAYS! fight and they seem to die faster)
A diatom bloom is the algae that grows during the cycle and once your cycle ends, it will usually turn green. Don't worry, your tank is cycling for your ammonia to drop, then nitrite...then your cycle should be just about complete.


Thanks for the info, its neat watching the tank go thru its cycle. One other question I have is that all my live rock had a nice purple coraline algae now that purple is turning white, will it turn purple again? I'm sure its just part of the process...


My Tank is still in the cycling process, when should I do my 1st water change? Should I add a cleaning crew 1st or do change 1st and if so how big of a change should I do?..
Yes, the coralline algae will turn purple again in time. I believe that you should check calcium levels and maintain a healthy amount to promote coralline growth.
Once your cycle is complete..ammonia = 0 nitrite = 0 nitrate = stable....then do a water change. On my first tank ( a 55g), I did a 25% water change. Let it stand for another week to make sure everything is properly balanced and recheck your levels. Then the next thing to add depends on what you want the tank to only, w/live rock, reef...etc. Then maybe add some live sand to establish your fauna and help filtration along with your live rock. Adding a cleaner crew at that time will begin the algae control process. When you add any fish....research research stated by others..learn from our mistakes.
There is more to say but i'm at work and short on time ;p