brown patches on yellow tang


When i woke up today, I saw brown patches on my yellow tang's body. It is reddish brown. What is wrong with my yellow tang?
can anyone give me an explanation?


Is it almost black could be Black Ick or maybe a fungus.??? Somebody else needs to respond because I don't know much on this.
All I know is that I like my Yellow Tang soooooo much and 4 days ago i discovered black stuff on the tips of his fins and found out he had Black Ick. But it did get cured. Did you ask you lfs what it could be? :p


My LFS people aren't very nice, thats the bad thing. :(
I figured it would be black ICH but I always thought that black ICH were small dots? Not patches?
also, question on freshwater Dip, does this mean that my tang will not get black ich anymore for awhile? Or are the black ICH still present in the tank and freshwater bath is only for one day relief only?
[ July 20, 2001: Message edited by: vince ]


Trey, thank you so much! you truly are a shark. ;)
Thanks again all the others for also replying to my post!


Staff member
I saw this with several yellow tangs at the LFS once and questioned the owner about it. He didn't give your detailed explanation but did say that it was not a disease, but, rather a natural phenomena with some yellow tangs. I was dubious about that. Glad to finally get some info on this.


Thank you for that information, I will keep that in mind Terry B. But I hope that's not what my yellow tang is going through. ;)