Brown "powder" on glass??


Every other day, I have to clean this brownish 'powder' off my glass. I think it is probably some type of Diatom but not sure. It also will settle on the sand bed and kinda looks brownish-orange depending on the light.
I have been using a Typhoon RO/DI unit for all water added and changed in my tank for approx 2 months. All my params look normal. My protein skimmer is not the greatest, I am thinking of upgrading it.
Is this stuff diatoms? Will a better skimmer help? If so what recomendations for a 90 g tank?


Sounds like dead diatoms to me. New tank? or perhaps its coming in on your water source?


Wouldnt the RO/DI filter take it out if it was in the water source?
Also, The tank is about 10 months old.


If i'm using RO/DI, and my sand is southdown, then why am i getting diatoms? Could there be something wrong with the RO/DI filter?


LIghts have not changed, 4 VHO bulbs and Ice Cap ballast. Bulbs are approx 5 months old.
I'm out of ideas.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by cmack
If i'm using RO/DI, and my sand is southdown, then why am i getting diatoms? Could there be something wrong with the RO/DI filter?

the reason you are getting diatoms is there are nutrients in your system feeding the diatoms. phosphates/silicates come from many sources including food. Until those are used up there will still be brown/red algae in your tank. Could be you just need to wait a few weeks and they will go away on thier own. You might also make sure you have enough macros to take the nutrients away from the diatoms. The tank should handle diatoms with or without RO/DI water.


So this brown/reddish powder you guys are calling diatoms - would that also grow on the overhang boxon the inside? I was going to scrape it off and clean it... but all my fish are very healthy and happy in my 55 gallon tank. This reddish/brown stuff is on the entry holes to the hanging box that sucks into the wet/dry filtration.
I also took all my water readings, and all was great! So, is this stuff harmful? Should I remove it or leave it? My Red Lipped Blenny keeps going up to it, trying to eat it... he sees it.. but it is on the inside where the water runs through the divots.
Any help - very much appreciated!


Nope - not squares. I have decided to pull the overflow box off and clean it really good. I just don't trust it.
Thanks for your post!