Brown Rocks!!


New Member
I have a brown sunstance with little green spots growing all over my crushed coral. What is this substance? and what can I do to prevent it or stop it?


Active Member
are you cycling your tank? if so, it is normal to experience algae growth and once your cycle is over you can start a clean up crew to clear it up.


Almosts sounds like a new tank, you could be going through some algea and diatom blooms.
Describe your system, filtration, age of system anything about it that you can.
Welcome to the board.



New Member
My tank has been set up for about 5 months. I don't know much about the tanks, but I will try to explain. I have a 30 gallon tank. Whisper 20-40 gallon filter. whisper 30-60 gallon heater. water temp. about 78 degrees. salinty 30. specfic gravity 1.0225. my lighting system is old if that could be causing the problem. I also use a product called stress zyme made to speed up the development of my biological filter. I have one yellowtailed damsel and one true percula.
thanks for the help!


New Member
Like you, Jabrauna, I am having the same problem. I just started this 150 gallon saltwater tank a week ago with some help from a friend. I have 65 pounds of live rock (yeah, I know I need more). I have 6 damsels and 6 green chromies which are thriving but today alot of the top sand is brown and I am cleaning brown spots off the inside of the tank. Is this just something the tank has to go through to acclimate? I am going to pick up the two books mentioned on other emails (The Conscientious Marine Aquarist and the Natural Reef Aquariums), but I didn't know if this is something that I should be worried about. Thanks in advance:)


Your situation sound perfectly normal, what I believe you are seeing is the dead remains of diatoms. Nearly every tank goes through this. If you are completely cycled then it is time to start thinking about a clean up crew that can help remove the dead diatoms and other problem algea's that a newly cycled tank can go through.


This almosts sounds like you have a 30 kit that you purchased all together.
Like you when I started my latest tank my rocks darkend up, I started it with base rock that was pretty much light grey in color. They are darker even after a year now of running. I would say this is normal. However lets look into this a little further.
What did the rocks look like when you got them?
Try to explain your lighting a little more. Did the lights come with the tank? Single strip, one bulb, plastic hood? or did you upgrade to something else?
Let me know how many bulbs, what wattage or spectrum they are.


New Member
:) Thomas,
Thank you for your reply. Now I know this sounds really stupid but what does it mean when a tank is "cycled". As you can tell I haven't picked up those books yet!!


When you start your cycle it starts with ammonia, then goes to nitrites -the longest phase, then to the nitrate phase. When ammonia and nitrITES are zero (0) and your nitrates are low but building then your cycled. At this point after a week of ammonia and nitrites with a zero reading I prefer to do about a 30% water change to help freshen the water, out with the bad and in with the new, and to help reduce the nitrates. Then start to add a fish or two (small ones) to keep the nitrification cycle going and the bacteria growing.
When your tank is cycled your ammonia is 0, your nitrites are 0 and your nitrates phase is over where you have low or building nitrates.


New Member
Thanks a million!! I will also take your advice and start investigating a clean up crew!! I knew getting a salt water tank was involved, but my 5 month old daughter LOVES to watch the fish and actually I'm becoming quite addicted myself. Hence my hunt to find an informative site with great advice from people like yourself. Thanks again.