Brown Sand


New Member
How can I prevent white LS turn to brown color? The light is turned on 10 hrs a day. Do I really need an air buble to circulation the oxygen? I have a power head and a skimmer already.


Active Member
do you have a bottom goby .. one that eats through the sand .. ever since I've had one .. my sand has been as white as snow


Originally Posted by long92708
How can I prevent white LS turn to brown color? The light is turned on 10 hrs a day. Do I really need an air buble to circulation the oxygen? I have a power head and a skimmer already.
how long has the tank been up? could be diatoms, which are normal


New Member
i have had the same issue, brown algae appears off and on.....
i had a snail to work on it but my crab decided to eat it, lol....
a fix to brown algae would be nice!


Active Member
Originally Posted by camar0
i had a snail to work on it but my crab decided to eat it, lol....