Brown Slug


New Member
:help: I noticed a brown slug in my reef tank that only comes out at night. It has a small black shell on its back that resembles an oyster.
Does anybody know what this is? Is it harmful? Please advise.
Thank you...........Greg


Active Member
Don't you love it. lots of answers.
Bonebrake is probably right but the black color and oyster shaped shell led me to a limpet. Some of them (keyhole limpets and a couple others) might be harmful but Stomatellas are fine and people even spend money from some places to get them. Watch them and take a pic for better identification if needed. Truth is there is alot of stuff in the ocean and we get a best guess on things (especially without a pic) and just because one person has good fortune doesn't mean another will. Keep an eye on them and remove if you have problems.
p.s. Stometellas often "stand" on a rock and "spawn" - you can see the eggs and sperm being dispersed in the water column. Doesn't harm anything and will provide food for you filter feeders. (and maybe babies later).