Brown Spot on Green Brittlestar


Active Member
Is is normal for a green brittlestar to get a brown spot in the middle of it's tops side? I've had it about 3 years and the spot showed up a few months ago.
The brittlestar is active and always eats. Any comments?


Active Member
i had one do that one time too, but sadly he died a few months later. Does it look healthy other than the spot? And by the way Howdy Mud!! Long time no see!!


Active Member
I wouldn't worry a lot so long as it is behaving normally and eating, and water params are good.


Active Member
Good to see you too Blemm!
I sure hope mine doesn't die because he is really peaceful.
Thanks Ophiura, I was hoping you'd show up. My starfish is as active and hungry as always so I'll keep my fngers crossed. He's 3 years old now so maybe its just a liverspot

One more question. Is it normal for them to have slightly stubby tips on the arms? Mine has always (since day one) had little nubs for tips instead of a perfect point.


Active Member
I would probably have to see a picture to know for sure...but overall I would not be worried.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I would probably have to see a picture to know for sure...but overall I would not be worried.
I'll try to get a pic.