Brown spots on my clown


I have a new clown and about 2 weeks ago I noticed a brown spot on his body at the base of his bottom fin. He was not using his fin and kept it tucked up to his body. I took him to the LFS, and they thought an abrasion. A week later and now there are 2 spots. On advise of my LFS I have him in a Q tank and am treating with anitbotics. They also recommened dipping a q-tip in antibiotic power and applying it directly to the problem area. I did this and the q-tip came away brown. What is it?? Rot of some kind?? Will antibotics take care of it AND is it contageous?? Thanks!


Staff member
Has the problem gotten worse since you've had the fish? How is the fish otherwise: eating, color, behavior?
Did you wipe it all off? Then it came back?


Hi Beth - Yes the problem has gotten worse. Went from 1 spot to 2 in the last week. They are the size of the head of a pin. When I did the Q-tip, brown came off of the fish, but I was not able to wipe it all off of him (it is almost like the spots are a hole in him). I had to hold him out of the water to 'directly apply the Q-tip/antibotic treatment' and did not know how long I had, so it was a pretty quick procedure. Anyway, I just feed him, but he did not have much of an appetite. Maybe one bite that is all. So now I am more worried. Do you have any idea what this is and if I am treating it properly?


Staff member
Are they holes?? I'm wondering if he was bitten. Do you have in QT now, and, if so, are you treating with anything?


They do seem like holes but I don't think he was bitten. The tank is very non-agressive. I am treating him with Myoxin.