Sounds like this may be the brown algae diatom bloom that Im going through. From what I hear its normal from about 5 weeks to 3 months and then goes away. I just wipe it off the inside of the glass with a rag and mix up the cc a bit and catch as much as I can with a net or a siphon.
Hopefully it wont last long for either of us. If anyone has any ideas, please chime in...
I have a RO/DI machine and a new tank, 3 months old and I have trouble with the brown algae. I have to clean the sides of my tank about every 4 days. I also do a water change every other week. Any suggestions?
I use tap water too, but I was going to buy the RO/DI unit (new on ---- $170). Now that I hear that doesnt rid the problem, Ill hold off 6 months.
Im getting a cleanup kit in a month, maybe that will help.
I have the diatom bloom, too ..... It seems like it goes away & comes back. I use an algae sponge to get rid of it. If you can, get a sandsifter to turn the sand over ... that's what I have in my tank & he keeps it nice & clean.