Brown Stuff covering gravel after three years


I have some kind of brow layer covering the gravel I have no idea what it is. Kinda looks like the tank is cycling again. I have used PhosGuard, UV Clarifier, replaced all lights, and tried to use liquid gravel vac, with no luck does anyone know what this is and how I can get rid of it . I am attaching a photo of what it looks like I also have 4 power heads total in the tank


Active Member
Diatoms. I am very familiar with those :). I am curious to know what kind of water you use as well.


New Member
From your picture I would think you have a build up of bacteria, which is generating a algae or slime on your gravel, brown, sometimes black. I have successfully removed such with antibiotica, low dose, about 10 to 15% of what they recommend for bacteria infection on fish. Try it and see if it improves. Also check you phosphate levels.


Active Member
I would not recommend adding any sort of antibiotic to your main tank. Antibiotics kill bacteria. Even though that's what you want to accomplish, it will also kill the good bacteria. On top of that, inverts, corals, and LR should not be exposed to antibiotics. Diatoms feed on silicates. If you use tap water, that would explain how silicates got into your tank. :)


I use drinking water from walmart. says that it is run through uv, ro, di. I also bought a ro unit from lows to use for top offs so if this is some kind of Bacteria. What do I do?


What is your alk level and PH??
I ask because I had a similar outbreak, (Pretty reliable) guy at the LFS suggested my alk was to low. I come home, I check, and lo & behold it was 6.1 dKH!! I buffered it up to 9/10 and 2 days later it was gone and hasn't returned.


Hi, here it all is I have a 75gal tank with this brow stuff semi-covering the substrate and has been for two years. I'm running a sump with bio balls, a Fluval Canister Filter w/ carbon and phosgard, a UV Clarifiar, and a Protein Skimmer in the sump. I do at least a 20% water changes monthly using Oceanic salt, I use the water from Wal-mart, the label states the water is processed by: Carbon Filtration, UV Treatment, RO, Microfiltration, and ozonation. I top off with an RO unit I purchased from Lowes. I have tried using Liquid Gravel Vac with no succes. I have 3 powerheads in the tank (600, 900, 1200). I have 2 small fish, plenty of turbo snails and blue legged crabs, 1 serpent star, and 1 shrimp. I just tested my water the results are as follows:
Ammonia = .50
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = 0
Phosphate = 0
Ph = 8.1
Alkalinity = 5.5 meq/l
Calcuim = 640
Currently my lighting consists of 4x55w VHO 10000k and 2x50/50 Actinic. I have just orderd a new Orbit system 2x150w MH HQI, 2x130 dual Actinics and 6 moon lights. (Can't wait for this to arrive.)
Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what this is? I have been told it is everything from low Alkalinity, phosphates, diatoms, or nutrient build up in the sand. (I vacumed the sand bed thoroughly at my last water change) But still the brown gunk reappears every morning when the lights come on, and goes away again at night.
I have attached a photo. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


I have that brown stuff on my tank too. Is it dangerous to the inhabitants?


Apperentley its Alkalinity mine 4 meq/l I was reading the test wrong. But im nto sure what meq/l means lol. anyone know? heck maybe its not low but the test I got it came out to 4 meq/l but I'm not sure if that means its low?


New Member
HI I had something that looked exactly like that but a little more red. Any way it looks like a bad algae of some sort. I use this product called Chemi Clean it is safe for everything in your tank and I have never had any problems with it. The algea starts to go away in a few days. You have to do a 20% water change after 48 hrs. But in those 48hrs you have to take out all carbon turn off skimmers, and uv ster. and maintain an oxygen level with an airstone. And it doesn't mess with your filter. Like I said I have never had any problems with it and when I bought it the guy told me it only targets certain algaes which are bad for your tank. It will not hurt you live rock either. Hope this helps.