Brown Stuff on my LR, and on my SAND! PinkPseudochromis DEAD


I have brown sand stuff in my sand, on my LIVE ROCK and my pink/purple pseudo chromis is DEAD what can i do????


Nitrate is 20ish and nitrite is 0 Should quarantine my fish?
1 Clarkii Clown
1 Domino Damselfish
1 Choc. Chip Star Fish
2 Cleaner shrimp
5 snails
3 crabs


If this is a freshly cycled tank the I would guess that you have overloaded your bio load perhaps to quickly, but that is just a guess at this point.
Diatoms normally happen only at the first few months of a tanks life, after that they are very seldom seen, which tips us off to it being a new tank.
So once again how old is the tank?
What is your water source?
Run some carbon and be ready for a water change, if this is a case of overstock to soon then you may see that ammonia suddenly spike.
Tell us more about the tank, filtration, lighting, age and all and we will go from there.


The tank has been up for 2 months, I have a ... SeaClone SCPS100 Protein Skimmer, a Second Nature Challenger Air Pump, and a Eclipse I have a 29 gal tank, I put the fish in a month ago, and it filtered once with a cocktail shrimp, then the levels raised then went to zero, my filter is the one that came with my tank from Wal-Mart. I'm thinking of buying one with a bio-wheel tommorrow though.


Active Member
Diatoms normal at the 2 month mark. They may last several weeks. I agree and think you overloaded on the bio. I'd go ahead and get another filter too. Are you testing regularly? How is the skimmer working? getting much gunk?