Brownbanded Bamboo Shark


New Member
I recently came upon a Brown banded Bamboo Shark egg for my 150 gallon tall aquarium, i am aware i will have to trade in or upgrade eventually as these sharks need at least a 8 foot tank and my tank is only 4 foot. My question is could i put a brown banded bamboo shark with a 3-4 inch picasso trigger and 3-4 inch clown trigger and possibly some butterfly fish, i have read that the shark will not bother the fish as long as they are not too small to fit in the sharks mouth, has anyone had any success with mixing sharks with other aggressive fish such as triggers and some non aggressive fish like butterfly's also if i cannot do this are there any fish that can be kept with a bamboo shark?


I dont think the shark would be worth getting for him or you if you are just planning on tradinghim back in.


New Member
i will either trade him in or (if i am alowed) get an aquarium large enough to accommodate the shark, on another note does anybody know the best foods for a juvinile brown banded bamboo shark and the best method for feeding?


Active Member
Originally Posted by IThori
I recently came upon a Brown banded Bamboo Shark egg for my 150 gallon tall aquarium, i am aware i will have to trade in or upgrade eventually as these sharks need at least a 8 foot tank and my tank is only 4 foot. My question is could i put a brown banded bamboo shark with a 3-4 inch picasso trigger and 3-4 inch clown trigger and possibly some butterfly fish, i have read that the shark will not bother the fish as long as they are not too small to fit in the sharks mouth, has anyone had any success with mixing sharks with other aggressive fish such as triggers and some non aggressive fish like butterfly's also if i cannot do this are there any fish that can be kept with a bamboo shark?
The problem is not the shark picking on the fish, it's the fish picking on the shark possibly/most likely (espically with a clown trigger) to death.


New Member
after being mislead by the sales person at my lfs into buying a bamboo shark , he told me that the shark only grows 21 inches and could be kept in a 4 foot aquarium . After a little research I found that I could not do so and now i have to trade him in because an upgrade is not possible at the moment, so now I need to put some fish in the empty tank and have a few questions about agressive fish as I have no experience with them. Can I keep the following for the long haul in a 150 tall tank (48length24width30height)
adult Picasso trigger
adult clown trigger
Small eal for a 4 foot aquarium (open to suggestions about small species of eals)
Also if there are any other fish i could add to this tank for long term please suggest
Thankyou in advance


Active Member
No Picaso or clown trigger in a 150 tall . They both can reach well over a foot long as adults and that tank would not give enough swimming space for two large aggresive triggers .


Originally Posted by IThori
i will either trade him in or (if i am alowed) get an aquarium large enough to accommodate the shark, on another note does anybody know the best foods for a juvinile brown banded bamboo shark and the best method for feeding?
Can you afford an acrylic 96" tank, you are starting to talk about big dollars...don't buy something thats only short term, because if for some reason you can't trade him in or get a tank, the fish will suffer.


New Member
i was told (by the person selling the shark) that this particular shark (brown banded bamboo) would be fine long term in a 4 foot by 2 foot tank, now i cannot accomodate this shark as he will outgrow the tank in under 1 year, in place of the bamboo shark i would like to get a clown trigger as i have heard from my lfs (from 4 different people) that they can be kept in a 4x2 aquarium, is this true?


Active Member
Originally Posted by IThori
i was told (by the person selling the shark) that this particular shark (brown banded bamboo) would be fine long term in a 4 foot by 2 foot tank, now i cannot accomodate this shark as he will outgrow the tank in under 1 year, in place of the bamboo shark i would like to get a clown trigger as i have heard from my lfs (from 4 different people) that they can be kept in a 4x2 aquarium, is this true?

NO. The only trigger I would sugest for that size tank would be an undulated trigger . That would be it in the tank though . Honestly if your serious about having an aggresive tank (with triggers) your going to have to go at least 125 gallons just to keep one or two . Most addvisably a 220 gallon .


fish stores will tell you anything to sell you something especially if your asking the question, they will mislead you with different answers every time you ask.
(had the experience)