brownish alge taking over


New Member
I am cycling my tank with the 2 cocktail shrimp. They have been in there for 3 days. they where raw shrimp but now they look cooked and fuzzy. There is also this brownish alge growing on every thing. Is this normal or should I start to worry?
I have tested the Ammoina and it is off the charts at 1.0 in just 3 days with the cocktail shrimp in.
The tank was set up for about 2 weeks before I out in the shrimp but I never had any readings so I went with the shrimp plan.

tuna dan

The brown stuff is Diatoms perfectly normal for a tank cycling, I start my cycle two weeks ago and my shrimp is almost gone and did look exactlly like you described it, the diatoms will go away once they exhust there food source, let me guess you used tap water?


Hi, first post yeah my 55 is overrun with that crap, it's not making me happy at all i can't wait for it to go it looks so bad.


New Member
Ok so it is normal. I did not use tap water I have a water system at the hose that puts out pure water.
My shrimp are very fuzzy looking. I think I is because I left them in the shell maybe. that is the fuzzy looking part.
Do you take the shrimp out of the tank ? I have read many different ideas on this. Some say take it out after the ammoina spike and some say about a week leter and others say wait until it is almost gone.


Active Member
I just let mine decompose, but some say that you might as well take it out once you see an ammonia spike.