Originally Posted by
Darthtang AW
Your memory is Fing retarded...I have never been #1 on the waiver list, and you have been been higher than me most of the season...you could have picked up Wes just as easily as I did...in fact that week I was ranked 9 on the waiver list....means 8 other people could have grabbed him, including yourself I believe. The only reason I knew he was available is Forte ounce screwed up and let it slip out he was was trying to pick him up.....had he not called me, I never would have grabbed him.
You want the phone numbers to the "mysterious" people in the league? You whine more than a coyote caught in a bear trap.
Ton's of fun and Forte ounce are in the "mysterious people" category......Did they finish in last?
I had the second pick in the draft......The draft order was made clear to all how it would be picked before you signed up. That is like buying Geo Metro and then complaining it has no acceleration power......You knew that to begin with.
I love getting you riled up.
Too bad the trade deadline is past, I could have given Aquaknight Deangelo Williams after I get knocked out.
Hey, thanks for being the Commish pal, it's been a fun season.