Brtistle worm eating my snails!


Active Member
I have a really big bristle worm living in my LR and lately in my tank I am seeing empty shells from my snails and crabs. I didn't know where they went until I saw the worm come out and drag one into the rock, it would take the snail out of it's shell and eat it. Do bristle worms always eat snails when they get too big? A lot of people say they are good, but it's eating all the snails, how do I get rid of it. :eek:


Active Member
Hi, they are good. But I guess if he is eating the snail.. are you sure he wasn't already dead. They are frequently found on dead fish ect. If you want him out, I would suggest taking a piece of food, shrimp or whatever, and placing it in a nylon stocking ( piece ) and place it near the worm. When he goes to feed on it, the bristles will get stuck and you can remove it.


Active Member
that is the best trap i have ever seen for bristle, and i am sure you already know this, but incase,
PLEASE do not touch him


Active Member
their bristles are highly venomous, most likely won't do permanent damage, bu tmay leave the area temporarily paralyzed(up to a month or 2), but this also depends on the individual, some people are more resistant to certain toxins thatn others,
but in any case, I can almost guarentee that it will create an extreme discomfort(much worse than a bee sting)

fish fry

My understanding is that the toxic ones are usually hairy looking in appearance (like caterpillars) They are also usually brightly colored. The others are harmless.