bruises on chromis


New Member
got a green chromis w/small bruise like marks on its body , seems healthy and happy w/ other chromis ,tomato clown, pyjama and yellow tang. what could it be or what might have happened??


When you say bruises do you mean like little silver spots on them. Cause at nite both of mine get little silver spots on them but are fine during the day.


New Member
have had both chromis for 2/3 weeks. can see the markings when the lites are off.when the lites are on they look fine. also one of them have just a touch of yellow on the tips of its fins,(part of the fish), not problem.was wondering if that can indentify male or female??


Cardinals, Im no expert but I have had my two green chromis for almost a year and at different times of the day and in different lighting they appear blotchy or their green color sort of fades in and out. They seem healthy to me. Just my opinion.


New Member
I just recently added green chromis to my tank as well, and have noticed what you are talking about on one of mine. In addition to having the "funky" spots, it has become rather lethargic, won't eat, and seems kind of listless. It won't react when I put my hand up to the glass (while the other one makes a mad dash for cover). It started off well, was a voracious eater, but now just hovers at the bottom of the tank all day and hides in the rock at night. It's not showing any other signs of disease (no white spots on the body or fins, eyes are perfectly clear, and the scales and fins appear to be normal as well - the fish isn't gasping for breath either). I've checked the pH daily (8.2), nitrite and ammonia is at 0, nitrate is about 10 ppm (working on lowering that). It's a 90 gallon tank that has been in operation for about 1 1/2 years now. Tank mates include a percula clown, a lawnmower blenny, a cleaner shrimp, and 9-gazillion baby brittle stars. Is this guy acting normal for a chromis? His not eating really worries me.