Brwon and red stuff


I own a 75-gal...i t has been turning brown and red on the sand mostly and on the live rocks. Is that normal? It makes my tank look so nasty!!!!!
Please help. I just went out and bought a RENA XP3 to replace the 2 back pack-filters that I have on it right now. Am I doing good so far? That is what the local pet store people said I needed to do ASAP. R they right?
I have to go to work now but when I get home I am going to check this site and see what I need to do.
Thanks to all who give me some advie!!



Originally Posted by tanksrus
I own a 75-gal...i t has been turning brown and red on the sand mostly and on the live rocks. Is that normal? It makes my tank look so nasty!!!!!
Please help. I just went out and bought a RENA XP3 to replace the 2 back pack-filters that I have on it right now. Am I doing good so far? That is what the local pet store people said I needed to do ASAP. R they right?
I have to go to work now but when I get home I am going to check this site and see what I need to do.
Thanks to all who give me some advie!!


The brown is diatom algae which will go away. What does the red algae look like? That may be cayno bacteria which is not good. Tell us what color red, is it bright or rusty looking? Is it powdery or slimy? Have you tested your phosphates? What kind of water are you using?


What does the red algae look like? *It sorta looks like Red hair.
Tell us what color red, is it bright or rusty looking? *Darker red, and it is sorta rusty looking, also.
Is it powdery or slimy? *Looks like both really.
Have you tested your phosphates? *No not yet going to go to Jacks here local and get some RO water and do a water change (about 50%) before I put in my new filter. What dod you think?



also, how do I post a picture of what it looks like on here? I can do that so you all can see what it really looks like!!!!


Active Member
Diatoms, the brown particles, are actually creatures, not algae. They're pretty neat under a microscope.
The red slimy stuff is Cyanobacteria.
These are both just part of a new tank and will go away with time. If the cyanobacteria persists, you should direct your powerheads so that they blow it away, and possibly adjust your PH.
Otherwise, they will go away with time.


Originally Posted by tanksrus
I own a 75-gal...i t has been turning brown and red on the sand mostly and on the live rocks. Is that normal? It makes my tank look so nasty!!!!!
Please help. I just went out and bought a RENA XP3 to replace the 2 back pack-filters that I have on it right now. Am I doing good so far? That is what the local pet store people said I needed to do ASAP. R they right?
I have to go to work now but when I get home I am going to check this site and see what I need to do.
Thanks to all who give me some advie!!


1st - How old is the tank, and what is its bioload?
2nd - Buying RO is ok, but many stores don't change their media like the should and therefor the TDS are up there.
3rd - How much turnover do you have in your tank?
4th - what are your tank Params?


1st - How old is the tank--about 4 years
and what is its bioload?----????
2nd - Buying RO is ok, but many stores don't change their media like the should and therefor the TDS are up there.----so what should I use?
3rd - How much turnover do you have in your tank?---what do you mean?
4th - what are your tank Params?---????
I have had this tank up and running for about 4 years, this is the first time that my tank has every did this.
Stated already, should I just clean the tank , move the powerheads around and adjust the live rocks a little? Will that help get rid of this nasty CRAP?


Active Member
Bioload = how many fish do you have? How large are they?
Use RO, you might test it before you put it in the tank for phosphates, etc. Then you will know if your LFS is ripping you off selling you bad water.
You tank parameters = Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, etc. Test kits!
After 4 years I would think a person would know these things.... sorry, had to say it.


Originally Posted by tanksrus
1st - How old is the tank--about 4 years
and what is its bioload?----????
2nd - Buying RO is ok, but many stores don't change their media like the should and therefor the TDS are up there.----so what should I use?
3rd - How much turnover do you have in your tank?---what do you mean?
4th - what are your tank Params?---????
I have had this tank up and running for about 4 years, this is the first time that my tank has every did this.
Stated already, should I just clean the tank , move the powerheads around and adjust the live rocks a little? Will that help get rid of this nasty CRAP?

This tank is 4 years old and you don't know what tests you need? Have you owned this tank the entire time or did you just buy it?


Originally Posted by wfd1008
get a dung load of red legged hermits. they LOVE the slime. Atleast mine do, they help knock it back.

Thats simply a band-aid ...his problem is nutirent or flow based, probably both.


Originally Posted by TangWhispr
Thats simply a band-aid ...his problem is nutirent or flow based, probably both.
sometimes it just takes a band-aid to stop the blood flow.


Originally Posted by TangWhispr
Thats simply a band-aid ...his problem is nutirent or flow based, probably both.
your right, but the hermits couldn't hurt things in the process


Bioload = how many fish do you have? How large are they? 1 Koren Angel (5'' diameter)
5 Assorted Damsels ( about $0.25 size)
1 Long-Ass Spotted Goby
(I want to purchase 1 Yellow Tang and some other type of colorful fish)

After 4 years I would think a person would know these things.... sorry, had to say it.

Okay first of all, i know enoguh about my tank...have kept it up for at least 4 years straight. I go on my Honeymoon and I come back to an almost red tank/brown tank. My bad!

Ok i am after help....So to me it sounds like I need to go get Red scarlet's, redo my water flow, and add new RO water? Am i right?


Active Member

Originally Posted by tanksrus
Bioload = how many fish do you have? How large are they?
1 Koren Angel (5'' diameter)
5 Assorted Damsels ( about $0.25 size)
1 Long-Ass Spotted Goby
(I want to purchase 1 Yellow Tang and some other type of colorful fish)

After 4 years I would think a person would know these things.... sorry, had to say it.

Okay first of all, i know enoguh about my tank...have kept it up for at least 4 years straight. I go on my Honeymoon and I come back to an almost red tank/brown tank. My bad!

Ok i am after help....So to me it sounds like I need to go get Red scarlet's, redo my water flow, and add new RO water? Am i right?

Your tank is already topped out. Of course you can keep adding fish, but you already have some issues with it. Why make it worse?
A Koren Angel grows to around 15"... the 75 isn't going to be big enough for it alone, none the less with the other fish. I guess you can always trade it in, but why get fish you have to stress out later? And large fish DO NOT travel well.
I know this hobby is all about what the owner wants out of the tank, but some consideration should be made for the animals best interest as well. Get a 180 gallon and you'll be able to keep the Koren and the Tang whenever you get it.
Sorry, I know you're going to take it as being flamed, but I'd rather flame you than tell you "Good job!" when that would be a lie. Telling you it's okay is the same as telling everyone else it's okay, and it's not.


Originally Posted by TexasMetal
Your tank is already topped out. Of course you can keep adding fish, but you already have some issues with it. Why make it worse?
A Koren Angel grows to around 15"... the 75 isn't going to be big enough for it alone, none the less with the other fish. I guess you can always trade it in, but why get fish you have to stress out later? And large fish DO NOT travel well.
I know this hobby is all about what the owner wants out of the tank, but some consideration should be made for the animals best interest as well. Get a 180 gallon and you'll be able to keep the Koren and the Tang whenever you get it.
Sorry, I know you're going to take it as being flamed, but I'd rather flame you than tell you "Good job!" when that would be a lie. Telling you it's okay is the same as telling everyone else it's okay, and it's not.

I know that I am going to have to upgrade to a bigger tank, yes, but untill that time comes and money...I want to try to keep the 75-gal that I have now in the bestest shape that I can...that is why I look to this site for advice. Yes I will say that in the past 6-9 months I have put my fish tank on the back burner, I cleaned it up a little bit b4 I went on our Honeymoon and now that I am back I am ready to fix the problems, but I need yours and the rest of this sites knowledge and experience doing so! So in your experience what I have is plenty of fish? Not even a Yellow Tang, or another colorful fish that would get along with my Angel? I also called the local pet store (Jack's) and they have about 2 dozen Red Scarlet Crabs and some Nassiarus (spelling?) Snails that I will be investing in this Friday for sure. Is there anything that I should put in there to help out or will this be a good start in a good "Clean-up Crew"?


Originally Posted by tanksrus
I know that I am going to have to upgrade to a bigger tank, yes, but untill that time comes and money...I want to try to keep the 75-gal that I have now in the bestest shape that I can...that is why I look to this site for advice. Yes I will say that in the past 6-9 months I have put my fish tank on the back burner, I cleaned it up a little bit b4 I went on our Honeymoon and now that I am back I am ready to fix the problems, but I need yours and the rest of this sites knowledge and experience doing so! So in your experience what I have is plenty of fish? Not even a Yellow Tang, or another colorful fish that would get along with my Angel? I also called the local pet store (Jack's) and they have about 2 dozen Red Scarlet Crabs and some Nassiarus (spelling?) Snails that I will be investing in this Friday for sure. Is there anything that I should put in there to help out or will this be a good start in a good "Clean-up Crew"?

ehy, before you go out and spend a load at Jacks, look on-line, vause i'm betting you could save some money and get everything off the net. just throwing that out there. good luck.


depends on what you're loking for. look around at different sites. vivid or or here. like i said, it depends


Originally Posted by tanksrus
If you have bought any stuff off on line, where would you recommend at??

first i look at different sites, then i'll look at their shipping rates. just take a little time and you can find some good deals. saltwater fish does pretty good. i've ordered things from them and was happy..i know at your lfs you can see what your getting, but doesn't always mean you're getting a good deal, or that what you're getting is healthy. it's kind of a leap of faith, but i've never had a problem with ordering on-line. start with this site and see what you think. compare prices and go from ther. good luck