BSchaibles 29g Reef Tank


Hey guys...some of you may have seen my previous tank (20 g bowfront) but Ive done a complete face lift. Bigger tank (29g), better lighting (150w MH clamp-on), and more corals!!!
I hope you enjoy!!



Thanks everyone for the nice compliments!
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Wow! Way better than my 29. Can I ask what lighting you are using and your tankmates?


Bicolor Blenny
Two Clowns
Scooter Blenny
Flame Hawk
3 Emerald Crabs
20 Nas Snails
10 Blue-Leg Hermits
1 Large Halloween Hermit
1 Lettuce Nudi
1 Cleaner Shrimp


Originally Posted by BSchaible
the only equipment i use is a millenium 3000 hob filter and a maxijet 900 ph.

Wow,,,,that's interesting.
I would like to know how often you do water changes and how much water you change.
I have exactly the same set up without a skimmer or sump. Am thinking about buying a skimmer and a Tzune Nano Stream Power head to replace the 2 Maxi Jet that I currently have in there.
The fish in the tank are:
2 Clowns
1 Orchid Dottyback
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
1 Bicolor Blenny
I have been thinking about getting a Fire fish but my tank is topless and am afraid the Fire fish would jump out.
Thanks in advance
cheers :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Originally Posted by blueram
Wow,,,,that's interesting.
I would like to know how often you do water changes and how much water you change.
I have exactly the same set up without a skimmer or sump. Am thinking about buying a skimmer and a Tzune Nano Stream Power head to replace the 2 Maxi Jet that I currently have in there.
The fish in the tank are:
2 Clowns
1 Orchid Dottyback
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
1 Bicolor Blenny
I have been thinking about getting a Fire fish but my tank is topless and am afraid the Fire fish would jump out.
Thanks in advance
cheers :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish
i do 7 gallon water changes once a week and dose with nano a/b about 5 nights a week during feeding time. how are the dual maxijets running in your tank? i have another but am hesitant about putting it in...
my firefish has never once hinted at jumping and never really even gets all that close to the top of the tank (my tank is topless as well). for my hawk...i dont think he's even ever come close to sniffing the shrimp...are flame hawks notorious for disturbing shrimp?


Originally Posted by BSchaible
how are the dual maxijets running in your tank? i have another but am hesitant about putting it in...
I actually had 3 powerheads but decided to remove one so only 2 Maxi Jets are in there right now. They do a great and they are placed on opposite sides.
As I mentioned before, am thinking about buying a Tzune Turbelle Nanostream pump. This way I can only have 1 power head instead of 2 and still get great flow. They are a bit more expensive than the regular power head but I heard nothing but great things about it.
here is a link for the Tzune nanostream powerhead


right now my tank has 525 gph of flow (295 filter, 230 ph). would you recommend that i put the other ph on to get an extra 230 gph to push the total to 775 gph???


Active Member
Originally Posted by BSchaible for my hawk...i dont think he's even ever come close to sniffing the shrimp...are flame hawks notorious for disturbing shrimp?
hawkfish in general are known predetors of shrimp. I wanted a longnose (but didnt feel like paying for it) but didnt want my shrimp to get eaten. Some get lucky though, if it's a huge shrimp and they aren't hungry, all is fine. I like the amount of frogspawn/ hammers in the tank btw. any clams in the future? (or maybe i missed that you had one)


hahaha my shrimp is about the size of my hawk!! so i think he'll be okay....
i almost bought a crocea (sp?) clam last time i was in the lfs but passed on it for the beautiful purple/green frog spawn in the center of the tank.
i really would like a clam, but don't know too much about them. i know calcium levels should be perfect in the water but thats about it. any advice on the feeding of them?


Active Member
i dont know too much about them, except that i'm getting a deresa cuz they are easy and forgiving to not so good lights (like mine). If I could I'd get a teardrop maxima though, you should look them up, stunning centerpiece for any tank.


Originally Posted by BSchaible
right now my tank has 525 gph of flow (295 filter, 230 ph). would you recommend that i put the other ph on to get an extra 230 gph to push the total to 775 gph???

If there is enough flow in your tank I would say leave it the way it is. Having good flow prevents film algae from building up and that's why I like to have the 2 PH but if your flow is good and you are not having any problems I don't see why you should add another PH.
You have a great looking tank! how long has it been set up.


well i started a 20 gal bowfront in december but then recently upgraded to the 29 gal bcuz when i got my clamp on MH it wouldnt work with the bowfront, sand, most fish and most corals have been around since about december though. Thanks for the compliments!!


Hi there
I thought I would share some of my pics with you guys........

I am not trying to hijack your thread....just wanted to share these pics since my tank is exactly the same size as yours (29 gallons)