Originally Posted by BSchaible
the only equipment i use is a millenium 3000 hob filter and a maxijet 900 ph.
Wow,,,,that's interesting.
I would like to know how often you do water changes and how much water you change.
I have exactly the same set up without a skimmer or sump. Am thinking about buying a skimmer and a Tzune Nano Stream Power head to replace the 2 Maxi Jet that I currently have in there.
The fish in the tank are:
2 Clowns
1 Orchid Dottyback
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
1 Bicolor Blenny
I have been thinking about getting a Fire fish but my tank is topless and am afraid the Fire fish would jump out.
Thanks in advance
cheers :happyfish :happyfish :happyfish