BSchaibles 29g Reef Tank


Originally Posted by BSchaible
your tank looks great! i love the star/clove polyps, what ever those are on the bottom, they're awesome.

here are pic of the Cloves



looks nice. I used to have a colony but they got infected by brown slime algae so I had to get rid ofthem before it spread thru my tank.
anyone else have any other comments, questions, suggestions, criticisms on MY tank???


Active Member
personally, I'd reaquascape it to bring all three hammer/ frogs (watever they are) together touching so Its like a party of tentacles.


are euphyllia's (frogs, torch, hammers) supposed to not get too much light? i have two toward the top of my tank and they arent opening too much....they are opening...but weirdly...


Active Member
they should be fine, how long have you had them there? I always leave mine in places about a week, if they dont look happy, i move them somewhere else.


Originally Posted by BSchaible
are euphyllia's (frogs, torch, hammers) supposed to not get too much light? i have two toward the top of my tank and they arent opening too much....they are opening...but weirdly...

My Torch, Hammer and Frogspawn have always been at the top of my tank and they love it. I think if I had MH then I would have to place them lower but I use PC and they seem quite happy being at the top. They have grown a lot since I boguht them. The Frogspawn onkly had 4 heads and there are now 7 heads so I suppose it is lhappy.


hmmm well im just wondering if my 150w MH might be too much for them to be toward the top....b/c the ones toward the bottom of the tank are blossoming wonderfully but the two toward the top arent looking too hot....its not even that big of a difference in height...
maybe ill move em around and see what happens...


Active Member
how much flow is hitting the top ones? that pisses my frogspawn off when its hit with the current.


not too much flow, i just moved them lower and they dont seem to be responding at all...guess ill just have to keep my fingers crossed....