BSP instead of GSP?


I just recieved my first shipment from and I am wondering if they sent my BSP instead of GSP. It has opened pretty fully and I see no trace of green, just brown. Ill try to get a picture if I can but I dont have a camera readily available right now.


It began to open the instant i added it to my tank, so I would assume if it were a health issue the coral would not open at all? it has been in my tank about 30 hours now. Could it be that the green parts are just so short its hard to see them right now, and will eventualy grow? This is my second encounter with GSP, the first one I got was a frag, but I always remembered it having visable green.


Active Member
I'd give it another couple of days.....It may be still adjusting to your lighting....Did you put it near the bottom?


yep.. its on a peice of LR right at the bottom. should I adjust my light sched? maybe 5 hours of light for a few days instead of 8?


Active Member
Actually, I believe light should mimic the natural light/sun. Light period should be near 12 hours......
Yes, you have to 'feed' the zooxanthalee with light.


i understand the concept of zooxanthalee 100%, i think the gsp just needs some time for the green tips to extend more.
I have BSP and the only green is the center of the polyps and its a dull green if you think you have BSP over GSP your probably right


when closed the mat is purple, and the very very tips are green, but its hard to notice because of all the brown.


Active Member
Is the brown coloring like a diatom blanket? Is it getting enough flow/are the polyps extending?


im 95% sure they just sent me BSP instead of GSP. not diatoms, the polyps are extending very well. sigh* kinda unhappy about this.


Active Member
Contact them with your order number and ask them how to proceed. They'll probably give you a guarantee code to replace it on a future order.


It's so healthy looking I dont want to ship it back though, however im afraid a bsp just isn't going to work well in my tank. maybe I will see how much a LFS will give me for it


Active Member
I doubt they'd want you to ship it back. Just email them with your order number and ask what to do/let them know you're displeased. Can you send them a photo? They may want to 'see' what they sent.
Good luck with it.