bta and pepermint shrimp


i have a bta , tonight i found my pepermint shrimp trying to eat it. is this going to continue i had noticed that the bta was not staying open as much as it had been .should i remove the pepermints thanks any one .


Active Member
I have heard that some LFS's sell other types of shrimp saying they are true peppermints?
True pshrimp should be reef safe but if it is actually eating a healthy bta, remove it!
It may be eating something off the bta?
Keep a eye on it. HTH


thanks for reply they are true peps i seen it pull off a pice of tenical i think i will put them in with my clown pair, if mrs. clown will let them stay thanks again


Peppermint shrimp will eventially kill a bta if left in the same tank. I had this problem. I lost a large bta, a blue carpet, and a small bta, thinking it was other things, water quality or something else. I checked and rechecked my parameters in the tank but everything checked out o.k. As an experiment I purchased a small sebae anemone and put it in the tank. As soon as I put it in the tank the peppermints were around it picking but not really tearing at it. I left it in the tank and got up in the middle of the night to find it shrank up and the peppermints tearing at it. I pulled the bta out and put it in a 20 gal. Its been about a week the sebae is starting to look like he will make it. As for the peppermints I had 8, I took them to my lps and traded them for a coral. By the way I had a pair of large Maroon clowns in the large bta. They would not let anything close to it during the day. But I feel the bta was being picked on at night the same as I had found the sebae.
I have never heard of this and I have 3 BTA (2 but one split) and 2 peppermints. I have never noticed the shrimp around the BTAs. If this happens at a high rate I will remove the shrimp. I only purchased them to kill some hitchhiking aptasia but now that the aptasia is gine the shrimp could go too. Maybe I will get another cleaner........


thanks for all the feedback, i had 6 peperments in the display the way to catch them is the plastic soda bottle trick. i used a 2 liter cut the top off turn the top upside down, and put the neck of the bottle in. it is like a funnal in to the bottle, shrimp go in can not get out .i left it in over night you have to bait it with krill or some thing else they like. i put them in with my clown pair thanks again