BTA ate my cleaner shrimp


I think my bta ate my cleaner shrimp. Conveniently while I had three shrimp the last two days I had two...looking for the molting, but nothing to be found. Then as I was sitting in front of the tank there it emerged from the BTAs mouth...a bundled up carcass that resembled my cleaner with the two red stripes and what was left of a tentacle. Any suggestions on this? This will be the first time it occured. The shrimp general hide under the anemone when they are not out and about...should I just chalk it up to bad luck? Also my little nudibranch took a free fall from the glass and landed in the anemone...good thing I was there, because the anemone started to curl up onto it to eat it...I had to pull it free...nudibranch just fine now...but only because I was watching this time. Any suggestions?


Don't have any suggestions, but I can definitely sympathize. I never really concidered this possibility, but I was watching the tank today and our cleaner shrimp was scrambling around like usual around the rock pile that our Green Carpet is anchored to. He happened to brush one of his 'feelers' along the edge of the Carpet and it latched on good. He was able to pull free and now he keeps a wider distance from the anemone. I've been keeping a closer eye as well.