BTA died- why?


Active Member
all my levels are good
ph- 8.2
dkh- 9
sg- 1.028- i know this is high but I lowered it
am- 0
trate- 5
trite- 0
cal- 440
copper- 0
temp - 81-83 throughout the day.
I did top off with treated fresh tap water because I need to go get more RO
It was eating and looked fine although it moved around a lot
all the corals and fish look fine
i did have a dead snail too.
it is because the tap water or high sg?


Active Member
well i bought this tank which was set up and running a few years 2 weeks ago.
She had it a few months.
I have coralife (2) 96W PCs


Active Member
Anemones are delicate.
Salinity, not enough lighting, flow, toxins in tap water, injury in move, temp fluctuations, unstable tank (from move) all could be causes.
If an anemone is moving around it is unhappy and looking for a better place to live.


I believe the long term success in bta's need metal halide. I know they are expensive, but I've never heard any luck with p.c.'s. Make sure you pull him out a.s.a.p so it doesn't pollute your tank if you haven't already, and run carbon for a couple days. Sorry to hear about your loss


Active Member
Salinty was ok, alittle higher then what i keep mine, but doable not something you want to lower to quickly. I suspect it was the lighting, they need at least T5's.


Active Member
there can be any of a number of toxins in your tap water that it is possible killed the anenome and not corals and visa versa. the only way to know for sure is to contact your local water supply company and request a report of all disolved substances.