BTA dying?


This Green BTA has been with me for over 12 months was happy and beautiful for the 1st 3 months...then it just moved around almost everyday for the last 9 months...
I target feed it every week:
Microvert (Kent)
ZooMax (Kent)
PhytoMax (Kent)
Live DT (Phytoplankton)
Lugol's Solution (iodine and iodide)
Siverside (frozen)
Water parimeters
Nitrite ~ 0
Ph ~ 8.4
Nitrate ~ 0
Ammonia ~ 0
Temp ~ 75.5 to 77.5
3x's HM ~ 250 watts HQI (6 hours)
It's still a small white started as a 8 or 10 :help: I am not giving up yet...and neither did the Maroon Perc


Your telling me that stump started out as and 8 or 9 inch anemone?
It looks white to me. Which means its bleached, which isn't healthy. I don't even see any tenticals on it.
What is your lighting? Type/watts per gallon/ k rating or spectrum?/ length of photo period?
Now, I suggest you stop dumping all those liquids in the tank, you are using way to many of them. Depending on how much and how often you are using them you could have a water problem.
I want a PH value average if you can give it to me. Also check phosphates, calcium and alkalinity.
I would also like to know what your turn over rate is? Temp?
One last thing, check your Iodine levels, then STOP ADDING IT, you will get all or most that you need from a water change.
Get back with me on this


Yes siree bob…9 inches…plump and juicy anemone. Tentacles were about 2 or 3 inches. Hosted 3 percs and 1 maroon perc
3x’s 250 Watt HM HQI’s - 14K each
4.16 watts per gallon (180 gallons) for the last 38 days
8.33 watts per gallon (90 gallons) for the last 11 months
6 hours of light (4:00pm to 10:00pm) reg day/sun light (7:00am to 4:00pm) tank is next to a 5ft x 7ft window…no direct sunlight.
PH ~ 8.4…it’s has been constant since the initial set up.
Cal ~ 8.2
ALK ~ 8.4
Phos ~ ?
Temp ~ 75.5 to 77.5 Artic Chiller ½ horse
Turnover rate? Sorry…I am still new. The BTA is in a 180-gallon tank with a QuiteOne 6000 (1500 GPH) and a RIO 20 HF (1300 GPH?) water goes into a 50-gallon sump and a 35-gallon ref.
Nitrite and Nitrate and Ammonia are at 0…knock on wood it stays good J
How do I check the iodine level? Can you recommend a test? I was told since I have 6 clams and handful of SPS I should be adding 4 drops of iodine weekly…every since the iodine…the clams and SPS has taken off like weeds J
As far as liquid…I mix all foods (half the recommended does) with 1/5 cup of tank water and target feed all inverts weekly…is that still too much?
Thank you so, so, so much for your help!!!


iodine will be stopped as of today...this sure speaks alot of my LFS huh? :)
So what is a good temp for a reef tank? I have seen and read most people prefer around 80?

bang guy

Right now you should probably tailor the temp to the Anemone until it's healthy. It certainly looks pretty far gone though.
I am not an Amenone expert by any stretch but someone who I believe should know told me that most hosting Anemone don't grow well or stop growing altogether below 78F. Water temperatures where Entacmaea quadricolor are found in the wild average 85F - 90F according to the Shedd aquarium (warm parts of the Red Sea, Pacific, and Indian Oceans). 80F sounds like a good start but if you don't see improvement you might try a couple/few degrees warmer than that.


You say 6 hours of light a day? I give my tank 12 hours a day. Could you let the lights stay on longer? That could help.


maybe I can increase by 1 hour per week to reach 12 hours...ju don't want to have another algae bloom...I will surely keep you all posted