BTA floating??? Looks ok though. What do you think?


I don't have a clue this time. He attaches to rocks but then lets go. I don't know if he is dying or not. He has grown about 3 times as big as he was and poofed out big time. The clowns are still loving on him so I don't think he is dead. No signs of injury.
I checked the ph 8.5, salt content and such are perfect on the scale. Water temp 79 nitrates and nitrites 0. Everything I have checked with my kit shows just fine. I think he is mad at me is all.
Any help is appreciated.. Ohhhhh he has turned much lighter in color almost clear in some spots.
Sorry about poor pic quality. Camera is dying I think.



Originally Posted by mcsd22
What is your lighting?
Sorry 150w MH for 10 gal tank. His base has expanded 3 times as big as it was and now has stuck himself over the thermometer in the picture since I shut off the light. I did NOT pull him off the glass where he has been for a few weeks now. He just decided to float away.


I not sure what to tell you but Thomas can help I am sure. Iwas thinking he might be seeking the light but that shouldn't be the case with what you have.


Active Member
He may have just become unnatatched while wondering...One of my BTA's did that in the old tank, try attatching him back to a rock and see what he does.


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
He may have just become unnatatched while wondering...One of my BTA's did that in the old tank, try attatching him back to a rock and see what he does.
I have. But he will grab on. Then let go. But he will not stay on any of the rocks. And as I have read they like rocks with a grip on the top so I got one of them. And he just lets go after a few seconds. He wouldn't stick to the glass either for me. But did on his own. But still I'm worried. His base is REALLY big and you could see what looked like compartments inside of him.


How long have you had this anemone?
How long have you had the MH lighting and how long is it on?
How far above the water is the MH bulb?
What is your turn over rate?
Check for a pH average, check morning, midday and evening. then post it.
Check calcium and alkalinity. then post it.
First thoughts are too much light to quick, and possible oxygen problem, but those are simply guesses at this point.


Originally Posted by Thomas712
How long have you had this anemone?
How long have you had the MH lighting and how long is it on?
How far above the water is the MH bulb?
What is your turn over rate?
Check for a pH average, check morning, midday and evening. then post it.
Check calcium and alkalinity. then post it.
First thoughts are too much light to quick, and possible oxygen problem, but those are simply guesses at this point.
It is now dead.
I placed it into a net for overnight but it was sucked up to the power head this morning. Somehow he got loose. Maybe it was the clowns they were not happy he was in the net.

I had the Anemone for almost a month now.
But for future reference it did look like bubbles were in the end of a few of the tentacles. I believe due to my protein skimmer sending out a lot of bubbles and the Anemone stayed up where the bubbles loved to gather. I didn't know it could do that. The protein skimmer is in the photo above to the right. He did hold onto it for about a half an hour last night (before I put him in the net).
The light is new and I left it on for about 8 hours a day. The old standard lights were left on for almost 12 hours per day. Not to mention he was not in direct light since he chose the top of the glass in a corner away from the center of the tank. He was purchased about a week before I received my MH. If I get another Anemone should I be concerned about the lighting?
Calcium between 420 and 430 ppm. The little chart says this is good.
alkalinity 2.5. The little chart says this is good.
I lost 1 cleaner shrimp. I believe he was killed by my Damsel. The other shrimp stays far away from the Damsel. I did see the Damsel attack one of the shrimp that entered it's cave. Sorry they look alike.
Anyhow I am a little discouraged. I don't consider this a hobby. These creatures in my tanks are like pets to me. I prefer them over dogs and cats.
Is their anything I should expect from the ooze that was coming out of my Anemone? I did a 10% water change.
I will check the PH level over the next week so I can get some type of idea if I decide to get another Anemone.
Thanks for all your help folks.


Originally Posted by javatech
IMO the tank is too small unless you have a big sump (100 gal )
how old is the tank with only 10 gal things can go wrong very very fast
what kind of lighting was it under at the store
The store had standard lights not vho or mh.
I have a little over a year of experience with saltwater in a 10 gallon tank and I understand how quickly things go wrong. I am no expert but have been lucky enough to have friends who love fish as much as me. So again I have had little to no problems.
One of my big secrets of getting rid of ammonia is c-100. 1 bag per 2 weeks keeps my ammonia at 0. I buy that at Wal-Mart. Under $2.00 per month.
PH seams to be the same almost every time I check it 8.5. I have been checking it all week so far and the furthest it has been off is by .2 +/-.
Do you think the change in light made him float? I understand they have plant like life inside of them that creates air and such but he would really deflate so I didn't think that would be a problem.
I am new to Anemones so any help is appreciated.
Since he has died I now have a protein problem. It is really bad and I have to clean my protein skimmer daily. I guess that is from the ooze that came from him.


If he was going up he was looking for the light, but it might have been too munch too fast
next time try putting the light up higher for a week or so and then start to lower it over a week
you also need to test your ph before and after the lights go on
And what's your temperature swing as your temperature go's up so does your salinity
and i hope your using a ATC Refractometer to test your salinity
if you are using one then you don't need this chart
I think you know better than to place that image on this site Java, Please don't do it again.


Sorry did not know i could not post a chart without a link
is this why i can't post with my other user name
just trying to help the guy out :notsure:


Originally Posted by javatech1
Sorry did not know i could not post a chart without a link
is this why i can't post with my other user name
just trying to help the guy out :notsure:
Java I think the link would have been fine, but instead it came up with an advertisement. If you wish you can just copy paste the chart if possible. It just must have been some way they have thing setup. I don't think you meant to toss an ad up like that.


Thats funny when i posted it it came up as a chart
what was the ad for??
and can you find out why i cant post with my other user name javatech


Originally Posted by wm23oh
I don't have a clue this time. He attaches to rocks but then lets go. I don't know if he is dying or not. He has grown about 3 times as big as he was and poofed out big time. The clowns are still loving on him so I don't think he is dead. No signs of injury.
I checked the ph 8.5, salt content and such are perfect on the scale. Water temp 79 nitrates and nitrites 0. Everything I have checked with my kit shows just fine. I think he is mad at me is all.
Any help is appreciated.. Ohhhhh he has turned much lighter in color almost clear in some spots.
Sorry about poor pic quality. Camera is dying I think.
To me it looks very bleached, How long was it in the store that only had standard lighting, did you put it directly under you lighting, right away?!?!
I have learned to turn off my lights, acclimate and then let the lighting cycle as normal the following day, gives them more time to get used to things!
But it looks like you bought 1 that was going to die no matter what you did!


Originally Posted by Symon
To me it looks very bleached, How long was it in the store that only had standard lighting, did you put it directly under you lighting, right away?!?!
I have learned to turn off my lights, acclimate and then let the lighting cycle as normal the following day, gives them more time to get used to things!
But it looks like you bought 1 that was going to die no matter what you did!
The more I have read online the more I've learned about the bta.
The store could not tell me how long it had been their other than that they sell 2 or 3 of them per week. They had 5 in their tanks. So their is no way to know how long it was their.
I was not told about Acclimation other than let it sit for 15 minutes before putting it into the water. I had no idea about drip acclimation, lighting, or any other type of acclimation.
I also had no idea to look for bleaching.
Yes I did place it in my tank and gave it light right from the start. Again I read the Acclimation thing here at and now know better.
Food would not stick to it's tentacles and that is when I found this sight. So now I know to
check that too.
My protein skimmer puts out a LOT of bubbles in my tank. If I were to get another anemone later on should I worry about that? Is a MH light too strong for the Anemone? 150 w 10,000k over a 10 gallon tank?
I plan to get a much larger tank 90-120 gallon tank and will add a 50+gallon sump to it. But for now my apartment is way too small with the 4 fish tanks I have already. 3 freshwater 1 saltwater.
Again thanks and any info is welcome.


Originally Posted by javatech1
Sorry did not know i could not post a chart without a link
is this why i can't post with my other user name
just trying to help the guy out :notsure:
I'll ask