BTA help


New Member
Thanks in advance to anyone who can give me a little insight into what's going on with my BTA. It just looks like its not doing well. Everything else in the tank seems to be thriving including a sebae anemone.
Tank info:
125 gallon
180lbs live rock
Sg: 1.023
Temp: 79
Nitrates: 0
Phosphates: 0
4 54w T5
Tank has been running about a year and the BTA has been healthy for the last 8 months


New Member
Got all the lights in tonight. My BTA has been hiding in a crevice for a few days. At what point should I yank him out? Don't want the whole tank to crash.


why would u yank him out?? jus hook up your new lights and cut ur light cycle in half, run it for a week like that then add 30 mins each week till back to 10 hrs. bta will come out


New Member
Ok thanks for the advice. I will definitely go with that plan. Guess I'm just a little nervous. Think I just needed to hear its gonna be alright.