BTA lost bubbles


well if water param are okay it probally due to lighting, it is not un healthly or anything its just doing its natural thing.`


mine is the same way...had them at first but now has looked like a lta for quite a few months. Still healthy, good color, and growing like crazy! I did move it up higher recently since it always seems to stretch up (and to keep it away from some of my corals, lol). Maybe they'll come back?
yea i have a 150MH on a solana 34g. good color great size, para. are spot not to worried about it, its been in the same spot for 2months(when i got it). i just like the look of the bubbles thats all


Seems like your BTA is happy. Most BTAs that I have seen in captivity that have adapted well/ breed and divide lose thier bubble tips
Typically its thought that the bubble tips are common among newly imported specimens that are slightly stressed. Here is one of my 3yr old RBTA. no bubble tips here



lol thanks OceanLover, Im a little bias to my top stores since I am an employed LFS employee. but some of the best include Lucky Ocean, Ocean aquarium, The taraval store> for coral, Atlantis, .... and the Ultimate Aquarium. Mermaid was a piece of crud the last time I was there. terrible terrible service


Did your rose begin as one and split that many times or did you get different bta,s very nice tank looks great ,


Active Member
BTA's often lose their bubbles in captivity. this makes no difference in their health, they still will grow and be happy, provided your tank is right for anenomes.
tvwong, bubbles dont form when the anenome is stressed, they are like that in the wild, i have seen them with my own eyes and can you show you my photos to prove it if you would like.


haha saltn00b. thats cool but yes I have seen them bubbled in photos from the wild. notice I said "its trought" not hard fact. But yes they will still grow and be happy.
DMV. I bought the original anemone for 15 at an aquarium society

. It started as one and split several times. There were actually 4 at one time but a split didnt make it for reasons unkown.
the important thing is that there is nothing alarming about your anemone thus far. so sit back enjoy and watch those anemones split and grow.