BTA problem


I got a bubble tip anenome a week ago and it has been doing fine it is about the size of a softball, but today when I got home from work I looked around and could not find it, after about 10 mins I spotted him and he is in a hole in the rock that hes been attached to, he is all the way inside this hole and the hole is only about the size of a nickel. Why would he go in there and will he come out


Active Member
They tend to do that when they are new. There is nothing you can do. They will come out when they feel like it. Mine did that for a day or so and then finally it came out and it has been great ever since. Anemones tend to move alot during the intial settling down process.


My first BTA did the same thing. I got him attached where I thought would be best for him, woke up the next morning and he had dissappeared. He hid away for 2-3 days and then settled on a place that he liked best. I did try to move him back and the same thing happend. Yours will eventually emerge and find a place that he likes best. Good luck