BTA Splitting


Just got these photos of the BTA splitting. The clowns were so confused. It's hard to get a shot of the BTA since the female clown comes to the glass to protect it from the camera.



Active Member
thats awsome, i baught one about a month ago and it split the week i got it and its splitting right now, it is so amazing that they do that


That's really cool! I always wondered what the process would look like.
Two questions though:
1- How long does it take them to heal back up afterwards?
2- What happens if they split so often that there are then too many for your tank (how do you remove it)?
Again, Sweet pic. :joy:


That's awesome! I have a HUGE rose bubble tip and i hope it splits soon. It's already almost a foot across and is taking up alot of real estate. Are there any methods to promote splitting?

reef diver

Active Member
Mine is regrowing all its tentacles so no splitting anytime soon. But the only methods I know are really dangerous and should be done with care. $5% water changes, or really frequent 30% changes sometimes do the trick or so Ive heard. A TON OF FEEDING, by far the safest, and least detrimental method. But otherwise its just a waiting game.

reef diver

Active Member
Mine is regrowing all its tentacles so no splitting anytime soon. But the only methods I know are really dangerous and should be done with care. $5% water changes, or really frequent 30% changes sometimes do the trick or so Ive heard. A TON OF FEEDING, by far the safest, and least detrimental method. But otherwise its just a waiting game. Oh yeh, ur clown looks like he is thinking WHA iTHE HECK IS GOIN ON!


Originally Posted by richarl5
That's really cool! I always wondered what the process would look like.
Two questions though:
1- How long does it take them to heal back up afterwards?
2- What happens if they split so often that there are then too many for your tank (how do you remove it)?
Again, Sweet pic. :joy:
I'm not sure of the answer for how long it takes them to heal. This one actually split into 3 pieces. All of them look healthy. The clownfish can't decide which one to use and go back and forth between all 3
I plan to give them a month to make sure they are all nice and healthy. I only need one so will be pulling the 2 smallest ones out. There are a couple of ways to remove them but always wear a rubber glove when handling them. You can slowly and gently pull on the anemone until it releases it's foot. OR and the way I plan to do it, you can use a power head to direct flow at the base of the anemone until it releases from the rock. Another post on SWF mentioned using an ice cube at the base.


Originally Posted by cyclops
What do you feed your BTA and how often, I had mine for 3 months and nothing, but it is grown alot
The anemone gets whatever is in the water when I feed my fish and once a week (sometimes twice) I feed it a couple of pieces of the food I make which also goes to the brittle star. The food is made from uncooked shrimp, fish, scallops, (any other seafood thats fresh that day I shop not too much $ and isn't oily), plus some garlic extreme, a little coral vitamins, and just enough RO/DI water to make it come together in a small food processor I got just for making the tank food. It all goes into a large plastic bag in the freezer & I just break chunks off and then thaw it in the tank and break it up. I have to brave the clownfish to make sure it gets a couple pieces.
Mine never split (i had it a year) until I moved to the larger tank with brighter lights. I had 175 watt MH on the old tank and 250 watt MH on the new tank. Not sure if its the light or the extra flow that made the difference. It did grow a lot in the old tank - went from 2 inches across to almost 6 inches when fully expanded.


Originally Posted by Reef Diver
Mine is regrowing all its tentacles so no splitting anytime soon.
What happened to its tentacles?
Originally Posted by Reef Diver

Oh yeh, ur clown looks like he is thinking WHA iTHE HECK IS GOIN ON!
The male was so confused. He actually swam thru the mouth where it was splitting a few times. Would back off from it & look at it. Then try & nestle in again. The female was on high alert and was guarding the whole end of the tank. The LMB came down to that end during the process & I'm not sure he knows what hit him. I haven't seen the LMB back on that side since.


Oh here is the BTA a couple days before splitting, with the male who rarely leaves the BTA except at feeding time.
I'll see if I can get some decent after splitting pics to post.

reef diver

Active Member
1. LMB?
2. IT lost a few tentacles mostly due to stress i think They were really short at first tho . But he is regrowin them, already 15 new stubs in the past week, and several now full size tentacles!


Active Member
Originally Posted by hooktonfsh
That's awesome! I have a HUGE rose bubble tip and i hope it splits soon. It's already almost a foot across and is taking up alot of real estate. Are there any methods to promote splitting?

Mine split in 3 after I upgraded from a 65 to a 120. i guess the shock did it but now I have 3 fully healed BTA.