BTA stuck in powerhead intake!


I just came home to find my BTA stuck in one of my powerheads. It is still attached to the rock, but all of it's tenticals are in the powerhead's intake. I turned the powerhead off, but have not tried to remove the BTA yet. Is it going to die? Do I need to remove it before it does? I have been thinking of taking it back to the fish store, because I don't want any anemones anymore. (I've had this one for about 9 months) I would rather my maroon clown host in a coral. But I'm afraid my clown would be heartbroken if he lost his BTA. What should I do?


No garuntee either way, depends on how long he was there, but I would suggest leaving it off and the BTA in there for a while, Then gently grab the rock and extremely slowly pull it out.

the claw

Active Member
I had one that decided to relocate, and on its adventure got sucked right into the powerhead. I gently pulled him out losing several bits and peices through the plastic guard. It didn't look so good for about a day, but in one week you can't tell it happened.
Point is: THERE IS HOPE.


I woudl just shut the power off to the head and give it a couple of days to see if it comes out on its own. its stressful enough for it to get stuck but then when you add the pulling to it its over the top sometimes. like I said I would give it a few days and see if comes out on its own if not then see if you can work it out of the intake. but there are NO garuantees that it will live and recover or not make it at all.


Active Member
I agree with MichaelTX, just wait it out. I had the same thing happen when my filter fell of my powerhead. I unplugged it and about 3 or 4 hours later it was out. It got a serious trim, but recovered. Try to remove any of the broken off pieces that may be floating around on the sandbed and such also.
It is a 50/50 shot. It will either make a complete recovery or croak in the very near future. It is all dependent on the amount of damage. Not to go against Michael, but I would pull it out gently now rather than wait it out for it to come out on its own. They regenerate and it will heal quicker if the tentacles do indeed need to be severed.


I had the same problem with my carpet anemone. He decided to roam around and find a more suitable place to live. He tried a Nemo and got sucked into the powerfilter intake. The intake is not a hole, it is the normal slotted intake cover. So I found him maybe 20 minuted later, or a day later, only he knows how long he was in there. I unplugged the power fliter and let it sit and the next day he was fully out and looked worse for ware, but he survived, and he is ok today. He is pretty much as far away from the intake as he can get without being out of the tank. I dont think he likes the intake any. Cant say as I really blame him.


not a problem Bonermeister I would just rather not stress them more if and when it happens but they do grow back pretty fast if they can recover.