BTA with no bubbles



Ive read mixed ideas about your BTA not having the characteristic bubble tips, instead with kinda of just short nubs or long stringy tentacles. Is this a problem with feeding, water quality, etc.?

rod buehle

Originally Posted by bbeakl1
Ive read mixed ideas about your BTA not having the characteristic bubble tips, instead with kinda of just short nubs or long stringy tentacles. Is this a problem with feeding, water quality, etc.?
Short lil nubs ( if I am imagining your description) is usually a sign of a starving anemone that usually needs more light
Long stringy tentacles is perfectly healthy and normal with E.quadricolor in our tanks. Some have said that its the presence of fish that make them loose their bubbles, and others (and I agree) have gone further to say that its more of a feeling of security. If they feel secure they loose their bulbs, but

something up to freak them out a bit and the bulbs will return while they feel threatened (which can last for weeks/months even after you correct what you screwed up.


Ya well mine deffiantly isnt the lights, I have 250Mh 14K over it, and as for it starving I feed it silversides three times a week. Ive never heard that theory behind feeling secure or the fish idea, but I like it. I do have a fairly large pair of maroon clowns that love it and never leave it, so possibly the fish can do it however ive seen plenty of BTA's with the bubbles and the fish hosting. Maybe its just the particulary one, oh well.
And ya Ive seen that site, its good stuff, just wanted to hear some other opinions.


I also have mine under 250 mh and pc have done a bunch of reading the last information I was told after asking the lfs was flow but I have to imagine its probably a little to do with everything flow food light water perm I have had mine for awhile he looks great just not any bubbles .