BTA / Zoo Question?


I've had a BTA for a few months now and it is doing very well...found a location along a rock that it likes. However, it will move a little along the rock and up until recently it has not been an issue. Now it is moved to a location where its' tentacles are touching one of my zoo colonies. Can the BTA harm the zoos? I imagine that it can. If there away to safely move the BTA over on the rock so it is away from the zoos. The zoos are on a larger piece of LR that would be a pain to move. Any suggestions?


Active Member
I would move your zoos as if you just moved the BTA it will still move to where it wants to and feels best at .


Don't have to worry about that now...for some reason the BTA has moved off of the LR it has been on for the past few months. Why would it do that? I've changed nothing in the tank...flow has been the same...water quality the same...any ideas on what I should check to see why it all of the sudden moved off the rock it has been on
? thanks


Active Member
This is common and is why anemones are not reef safe as they will tend to move to find a better area .


Originally Posted by Dawman
This is common and is why anemones are not reef safe as they will tend to move to find a better area .
I thought that once they found a place they liked, they pretty much stay put. Don't a lot of people include them in their reef tanks for their clowns to host?


New Member
My BTA is fairly new. It moved around the tank for a week or so until it finally found a spot it was ok with. Its stayed put for a couple weeks now. I love my BTA but its rather annoying how much they can move around. From most of what I read before the purchase I was under the understanding that they could move around a bit at first but then would settle down and usually stay in one spot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by estein02
I thought that once they found a place they liked, they pretty much stay put. Don't a lot of people include them in their reef tanks for their clowns to host?
Some people put anemones in their reef tanks and know the risk of the anemone moving and killing their corals . Just because they found a spot and have been there for a few weeks or even months doesn`t mean they won`t move later on to find a better spot .


Originally Posted by Dawman
Some people put anemones in their reef tanks and know the risk of the anemone moving and killing their corals . Just because they found a spot and have been there for a few weeks or even months doesn`t mean they won`t move later on to find a better spot .
Are there any anomones that are less likely to move around then others, or is the behavior pretty typical?