Bubble Algae

How do you get rid of Bubble Algae? I have one Emerald Crab, but I havent seen him since he crawled back into the rock. Is there a way to get rid of it perm?

nm reef

Active Member
Once Valonia(bubble algaes) become established they can be very difficult to eliminate. I use 4-5 emeralds...a foxface rabbitfish...and manual removal to keep mine in check. The same as all other pest algaes try to remove the source of their nutrients and that will help.I have come to accept that I will probably always have bubble algae in my system...but the combination of predators ...manual removal...and limiting excess nutrients allows me to maintain control over the nasty stuff. I just removed three marble sized bubbles this afternoon...and I'm always looking for them.:thinking:
Well...what causes them? Would it work if i just remove the rock...chip that part away and then put them back in? Since the tank is still new...i can do this without to much of a hassle.


Active Member
They are a pain for sure.
Let them grow a bit and try and remove them manually by twisting them and moving them gently.
If the rock is easy to move then do it out of the tank.