Bubble Algae?

jon in tx

I just got my first bubble algae in my tank after 17 months of new tank. On the posts I've searched, everyone is talking about getting it out manually or getting emerald crabs to eat it.
My question is why? Is it harmful just to leave it alone?
Also - is bubble algae any indication (bad or good) of water quality?


Active Member
it usually means bad water condition. or least that what i was told. also its not harmful just don't pop it cause you will get an algea bloom. its filled with algae spores.


i really haven't seen it spread very quickly. if you don't like the looks of it (i do for some reason), you can pull it off gently.


So I had bought a small rock with some bubble algae on it. the guy picked it off before he sold it to me, but its coming back.
The rock also has some green polyps, and small dusters on it.
Will the bubble algae harm them? I bought the rock for the polyps on it.


To get rid of it, just increase your flow. I increased my flow, and within a week , it was completeley gone.


Active Member
The bubble algae shouldn't harm the coral or feather dusters unless it really starts to take over the rock.