Bubble Algae


New Member
I have a 24 gal nano tank and I'm starting to get some bubble algae. It's isolate to one rock and I'm wondering if it's a problem and if I should do something about it? Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
Posted this in "reef tanks" yesterday with no response- hopefully I'm in the right area now.


Well-Known Member
Well, if it's isolated, I say take the rock out and scrub it in saltwater, then dip it in fresh water to kill the spores.
If you can't get the rock out, then I suggest trying a couple of green emerald crabs. They should take care of it without popping the algae and releasing more spores and having it spread throughout the tank.
Bubble algae is the largest single celled organism alive...
Other then that, not much else I can tell yah.


New Member
Thanks for the help. I think I may try a little of both. There are a few polyps on the rock but I should be able to clean off most of the algae and I'll probably add an emerald crab as well.


a foxface will not eat it take the rock out and put it in freshwater to kill everything.Thats just my thought.