Bubble Alge


New Member
Okay people, my first post....Need help with bubble alge.I have a nintey reef tank that has been set up for about ten years. Got bubble alge from LR and now can't seem to get rid of it. I've even put eleven Emerald crabs in there and they die from starvation. What's up???? Supposedly I know what I'm doing, ANYBODY out there got a better idea??????:confused: :confused: :confused:


Active Member
Wow so many emeralds and they didn't even dent it? Now i guess i should ask are you sure they WERE emeralds? The way to tell supposedly is by a red dot on the inside fold of thier big claw. Look at the first joint.... I dunno. Also they should have ,looking from the top, thin flat claws as opposed to pointy ones.
I've heard the foxface fish eats it readily. They would fit fine in your 90 if you can fit another fish.
Just remember if you decide to get one that they are top spine venomous and need to be handled with care. They also full size reach about 8 or 9 inches. I think they are a very cool looking fish because they can color morph and are pretty to begin with. Nice bright yellow with a black face is the common one. But some rabbitfish(foxface family) have some greenish/teal stripes if remember correctly and all can change color. Oh and also remember they spook easily, i.e. they will jump out, so until they get used to your tank minimize activity in it :)


Are we talking "Mermaids/Sailors Tears"? If so, why not just remove them by hand? They are pretty hard and usually don't pop. Just a twist off the rock works for me....


Active Member
Geez 6 tanks? Puffy? Not small tanks either :)
She is right. Bubble algae can usually be pulled off with a good twist. But my guess is you have crap loads since you are asking about it.....


Active Member
I would skip the foxface for valonia...I've never seen them touch it, and I always have a foxface. .....got a pic of the algae? Valonia also isn't fond of a stable high pH....where's that in the morning? at night?


New Member
My pH stays in the 8.2-8.4 range. What I don't understand is why the Emerald crabs (I checked they are emeralds),are not doing the job. I have five small reef compatible fish in the tank, but I don't overfeed them. The sump is full of calurpa,I'm protien skimming (Red Sea Turbo) and my power compacts are on for ten hours a day. people do not believe me but I do have eleven crabs in the tank,I can't believe that I've bought that many that won't eat bubble alge. I've had it in the tank so long that some of the bubbles have pink alge growing on it...Now what????????:eek: :confused:


Active Member
try manual removal....if you can pull the bubble off w/o popping them you are golden however its usually much harder than this.....i would try to get a siphon going and then begin popping th ebubbles under the siphon tube so you suck all the spores out of the tank!
good luck
I have taken to the remove it with the back of a plastic spoon handle (broken end off)and thumb,while having my siphon hose in the other hand to suck up your bubbles and or to get there spores,you don't have to worry about spreading more around that way,especially if you break one. Deep down I 've gone to a stiffer water hose to literally push them off and suck them up in the siphon hose.(have a friend pinch hose to slow siphon when hunting new pray.
Run your Tank Don't let it Run You:)


New Member
Well I would try removing them by hand, but I'd be at it for the rest of my life ,seriously I'm not lazy just way too busy.
Still the question is .....Why aren't the Emerald crabs eating the alge????? And Sammy I have the type that is completly round like a marble....:eek: