Bubble bubbles everywhere!


Ok, I'm absolutely fed up. I've got a 90 gal corner unit tank. I've got a CPR sump with protein skimmer. I get micro bubbles all the time! I'm told bubbles are leaks on the suction side of the pump system. I've reapplied PVC cement around all the joints. I've retaped all the threaded components with teflon tape. I can't get rid of them. I think they're coming from the water splashing down into the sump after it goes through the physical media. Then they get pulled in to the system and chopped up in the pump?
I'm guessing this because I've redone all the suction line joints. If I tap the pump or move the ball valves in the piping system, I get a big burst of them. They must get in there and collect on the walls of the pipes. Then I change the flow rate with the valves, and they come out.
Any help would be appreciated. It's getting annoying.


put a prefilter on the return pump of the sump. this will stop bubbles.


If you want to minimize the bubbles that are made from the force of the water coming into the sump via the drain - put a couple of filter bags on the end of the pipe. It will serve a double purpose: trap detritus (and you can just clean the bags) and cut down on the bubbles.


I have the CPR 192 Sump. I'm not sure what you mean by how is it plumbed?
I don't know that the bubbles come from the drain section. from there it goes into a section for skimming, then it over flows through the filtration and into the next sump section for return water. I think the bubbles are coming from that drop.
I was concerned that if i put a prefilter over the pump, it could get clogged or restrict water flow?


Active Member
Are you sure the bubbles aren't coming from the skimmer? Most of the time I hear of microbubbles, I think of skimmer bubbles.


Active Member
sounds like you have a small air leak some were in the return I had the same problem once is it hard pipe from the pump to the tank return or is it flex pipe. are fittings hand tight or did you use channel locks I would redo it one more time. If you have flex pipe in one certain area make sure you use stainless still clamps(make sure not to use them in the water) use plastic clamps in the water


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hefner413
Are you sure the bubbles aren't coming from the skimmer? Most of the time I hear of microbubbles, I think of skimmer bubbles.
good point what type of skimmer do you have if its a HOT then that also could be your problem too.



Originally Posted by gkotlin
I don't know that the bubbles come from the drain section. from there it goes into a section for skimming, then it over flows through the filtration and into the next sump section for return water. I think the bubbles are coming from that drop.
You say the bubbles might be coming from "drop" into the return area of the sump. There shouldn't be a drop
into the return area. The water level in the return should be identical to the rest of the sump. But as water evaporates it's in that section that you will see the most drastic drop in the level as the pump pums the water into the tank while the system struggles to refill it with water and doesn't always succeed. So - make sure the water level in the return area is identical to the rest of the sump. Just pour more salt water in there and make sure it stays steady. If the level is lower and the water is making a drop - like a waterfall into it - then yes, you will get lots of bubbles that don't have time to pop before being pumped back into your tank.


Originally Posted by gkotlin
I was concerned that if i put a prefilter over the pump, it could get clogged or restrict water flow?
not if you rinse it out every few days. do it at the same time you rinse your skimmer collection cup.


Originally Posted by Dmitry
...Just pour more salt water in there and make sure it stays steady. If the level is lower and the water is making a drop - like a waterfall into it - then yes, you will get lots of bubbles that don't have time to pop before being pumped back into your tank.
Just clarifying that you should raise the water level with saltwater and then top off with freshwater. Don't want to offend anyone, but sometimes the obvious gets missed.
Also, I'd pull the skimmer and see if the problem goes away. If it does, it's easily solved. If not, it's going to be harder, but I'd start checking your plumbing for leaks. If a small hole is in your pipe and water is flowing through it fast enough, it creates a vortex in the water flow, sucking air in instead of letting water leak out, sort of like a venturi. If your plumbing is sound, I'd put a prefilter on your return. That should fix the problem.


Ok. This is crazy. The way this sump works, I don't think you'd want to fill it to the level where all the water is the same height. But that doesn't seem to be the issue, because I filled it to the point where all the water is level and it didn't fix it.
I also pulled the power to the skimmer for a few hours and no change.
When the water comes from the drain of the tank, it does splash and make bubbles. I can't imagine there is any way around that. I put multiple filters between that section of the tank and the return area and it didn't help either.
So.... I was wondering the same thing. If there is water flow through a tube, and there is a small leak, could it suck air instead of forcing a small leak. So this may be the problem.
Especially since I just noticed this little tidbit. On the return line it goes up from the pump to the top of the tank towards the display area. There is a splitter that turns the one return line into two nozzle heads. Both of these are on locline so you can direct them. One has an eductor on it. The other tube has just a simple nozzle. Bubbles only appear to be coming out of the standard nozzle!
So maybe there is a slight leak in the locline that allows a small amount of air through the one nozzle after the splitter? Anyone ever experience leaks with locline?


Active Member
rldavisou, I was going to make some helpful remark - and then I saw your avatar. And now I totally forgot what I was going to say and can't stop laughing!


Originally Posted by zeke92
i always get bubbles in my new tank from my protien skimmer.

this was my thought might wont to adjust your skimmer


Active Member
Not sure if this helps but can you see bubbles being sucked into your return pump's intake. I had that issue and put a PVC elbow on my intake to direct it away from the water falling over my last baffle that was causing some bubbles to enter. It fixed my problem.