Bubble Coral Looks Burnt


I have had this bubble coral for 2 months and it looked great. It fell over the other day and the left side of it now doesn't open up. Is this normal and do you think eventually the coral will be in full bllom again? It's my centerpiece and it doesn't look great right now.


Active Member
My bubble fell on my heater about 4 months ago, and it looked fine for awhile. About two months later it started to look exactly like yours (don't know if it was related to the fall or not). It did start to recover recently, the bubbles in the bare area are coming back.


I had a collector crab in my reef and he trashed mine badly. It looked a litle like yours but worse. I just let it recover on its own and before I knew it (about 2 months) I had dozens of little starts all over the skelleton. I've just recently started remove the little individuals and now I have more of these than I know what to do with. :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by trikonreef
I had a collector crab in my reef and he trashed mine badly. It looked a litle like yours but worse. I just let it recover on its own and before I knew it (about 2 months) I had dozens of little starts all over the skelleton. I've just recently started remove the little individuals and now I have more of these than I know what to do with. :notsure:

What do you mean by remove the individuals?


New Member
Is that a sun coral next to your bubble? Looks like it. If so you need to move it to a very shaded spot, or a cave would be ideal.


like little starts on the skeleton. little clusters of bubbles. I guess you could call 'em frags. Anyway they're small, smaller than a dime to the size of a quarter.