bubble coral question

Just got home from work tonite and noticed that my bubble coral was completly deflated... Was looking a little but odd when I left this afternoon but nothin to freak out about, but now I'm a little worried. Does anyone know if this is normal, parameters as of last week were right on except nitrates, which were at 20. I have had this coral for over 8 months no and it has done nothing but thrive, I also feed it weekly mysis and it sucks it right up. I also wanted to add that the past week it has been spewing a red stringy substance in the water(I just thought it was sperm/eggs)
Well I am rambling now, so if anyone could give me a little insight to what might be wrong i'd appreciate it
Don't ask me about parameters, I won't know until tom. morning, can't do them tonite for fear ill wake the kid.

I posted a pic of what it looks like normally, now imagine that completly deflated



Mine does that sometimes,2 days ago a saw mine expelling brown gel to,and yesterday he was looking great and full!!Do you have hermit?Because mine get bother by them and he deflated!!


mine does the same thing every once and a while. if it last for more than a few days it may be a problem but they usually bounce back in a day or two


also have you added anything new to the tank? i know mine freaked out for a while when i upgraded my lights


Active Member
mine also did that from time to time but always came back , I wouldnt worry unless it stays that way for like a week
thanks guys... Yeah I just did a 15 gallon water change and he seems to be at least trying to inflate. So at least I wont spend my day pacing back and forth in front of the tank! I will keep everyone posted on progress.
well.. its been 24 hrs and no real change still limp with the skelatol mouth exposed a little. still holds its color in the moonlight. I will post a pick in the morning to show yall what it looks like exactly, cause I doubt its coming back. Maybe its just its time, right? Nothin lives forever!
Another update... His mouth has closed up which is some good news, he is trying to come back i think. Time will tell. Ive been taking pics of the process and will post as soon as there is an outcome.