Just got home from work tonite and noticed that my bubble coral was completly deflated... Was looking a little but odd when I left this afternoon but nothin to freak out about, but now I'm a little worried. Does anyone know if this is normal, parameters as of last week were right on except nitrates, which were at 20. I have had this coral for over 8 months no and it has done nothing but thrive, I also feed it weekly mysis and it sucks it right up. I also wanted to add that the past week it has been spewing a red stringy substance in the water(I just thought it was sperm/eggs)
Well I am rambling now, so if anyone could give me a little insight to what might be wrong i'd appreciate it
Don't ask me about parameters, I won't know until tom. morning, can't do them tonite for fear ill wake the kid.
I posted a pic of what it looks like normally, now imagine that completly deflated

Well I am rambling now, so if anyone could give me a little insight to what might be wrong i'd appreciate it
Don't ask me about parameters, I won't know until tom. morning, can't do them tonite for fear ill wake the kid.

I posted a pic of what it looks like normally, now imagine that completly deflated