Bubble Coral...sick or angry?


Hi Guys,
I don't know if my bubble coral is getting sick or just mad at me for placing it a little higher on the reef and in more current. Has anyone experienced a period of time where their coral "deflates" on one side and keeps it's mouth slit open?? :(
Mine has been acting like this for a few days now...so I've decided to move it to a spot with less current.
Any experiences would be greatly appreaciated!
<img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


Baron VonKlyff - Thanks for your reply.
I was careful not to move him up too fast...he only moved about 2" directly up from where he was. I'm thinking that it may have been that little extra current..he's been sitting in his new place for almost an hour now..and has already closed his mouth.....picky little fellow.....I will monitor his reactions for the next couple of days.


ijji - Yes, I've noticed waste discharge also...I wonder if I fed him too much last feeding! <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


Active Member
Bubble coral does not like a lot of current. The less current the more they will expand.


I have recently added a bubble anemone to my tank whihc is about a year old. Sometimes (usually at night or early am) it is all tight-knit bubbles. As the day progresses, however, it opens way up like, say, my long-tentacle, although its tips are still bubbly.
Is this normal behavior or a sign of distress?


I have had my bubble corals do this before you might have to much curant on it. Moving it up only two inches I can not see that the light thing is what is causing this to happen. You might want to give it a day or two to see how it turns out. Any time you do move a coral in the tank it will act differently for a little while. Give a couple days and see what happens. You might have to move the bubble away from the currant if the coral does not go back to it usual self.