bubble coral


Active Member
I would like to hear from the folks that have this coral in their tank.
Ease of keeping?
Light recommendations?
Placement in tank?
Will a maroon clown host in this type of coral?
I know they are listed as aggressive towards other corals, how far apart should they be placed in the tank?
Is there any fish or inverts that would eat or bother a bubble coral?
Any pictures would be great.....


Active Member
Mine is bottom center in my tank... it's more or less the centerpiece.
Strong light... doesn't have to be terribly strong, but I'd say 5-6wpg is okay.
No feeding necessary if they have enough light.
Flow... the coral will not fully expand if it's under too much flow. Mine was huge... maybe 10 inches across until I added a powerhead and now it doesn't open as much.
Placement in relation to other corals.. mine will extend sweeper tentacles a good 4 inches long, but I haven't seen it hurt any of the stuff it touches.


I think it's easy to keep with good water conditions.
I have a beautiful one that is just growing and growing.
I DO have to feed mine. I feed mine a piece of shrimp every 3 weeks or so.
I have to keep it away from everything because at night it's sweeper tentacles come out to play.
I have mine in a 55g column. This mean that the tank is VERY deep compared to most tanks of it's size, requiring more light to reach the bottom.
I have 1-250W MH and 2X65W actinics. It seems to LOVE the lighting as it really puffs up about 1 1/2 hours after the light is on.
Oh yeah, I have 2 false percs but they won't bond with the Bubbled, but instead bonded with the Frogspawn.


I have a green bubble and 2 pearl bubbles. All are doing great, I think that they are one of the easier ones, and my clowns don't host ANYTHING

I feed my green bubble once a week with brine shrimp or chopped up krill, maybe some chopped up silverside. The pearl bubbles will catch little shrimp going by when I feed the fish. I don't feed them other then that. Pearl bubbles are on bottom of 55, green bubble 1/2 up. 325Wpc


i have a pinkish bubble coral. i keep it a few inches from the bottom of a 30" deep tank with 1 HQI 150W MH and 2 65w actinics. medium flow. very rarely ever closes up. will change form though at night. im not at home so cant post a pic yet. i have only fed it directly once (when i first got my extended feeder, i shot some DT right over it) i think its too small for my clowns to play with it....they both are always in my long tenticle anenome.


Active Member
Well thanks for all the replies. I have under 3 watts per gal in my tank, my LFS whom has all three colors of it her self said that in my tank it would be just fine.
It is a 25 gal and 14" deep, my light is a 18,000K. I could certainly put it up off the bottom on a rock so it is closer to the light. I currently have toadstool leather, assorted mushrooms. I thought one of these would just add a nice punch of color to the tank and from what I have read they are not really light demanding and easy to take care of.
I would be able to get the green or purple/pink one. Which of these two is the nicer looking?
Any opinions?


Active Member
That is very pretty indeed. I just don't know if my lights would be enough for it if I put it up higher. My lfs said that is would do just fine in my tank. Any thoughts?
1 20 watt power-glo 18,000K
All mushrooms and toadstools are doing just great.


i believe you need stronger lights
i just checked online and it need modorate lightning,
i wouldn't keep them in any lightning under MH,
but like i said mine died, and all my hermit crabs had a big meal afterwords


Active Member
i have mine under halides and it is doing awesome,, had it for along time and it grows liek a weed!