Bubble Coral

Hello, I am new to the Saltwater Hobby and this Forum.
I spent forever typing out my question/situation/tank stats and it never posted :(, so here it goes again!.
I have had a 20g tank running for about 5 months now. I have a 2" deep live sand bed all through my tank and about 10lbs of live rock which I will get more soon. I have 2 clownfish about 1" in size maybe less, and a mandarin Dragonet which is 2". I have some Yellow Polyps. 3 Scarlet hermits, 2 Zebra hermits,1 Horseshoe crab, 1 newly found bristle worm. Just purchased a Cat's Eye Bubble Coral from my LFS. I have the AquaticLife T5 Fluorescent 4 bulb 2 lunar LED light which I was told would be good enough for the coral. I noticed when the Coral was being put in the bag, it shrunk I guess to protect it'self. I did everything I was supposed to do before putting it in my tank, even having very low light on when it was in my tank. I read that they can take up to 3 weeks to fully open but I am not sure and would like more opinions. All my water levels are god
Ammonia: 0 PPM
PH: 8.0
Nitrite: 0 PPM
Nitrate: 3 PPM
Alkalinity: Unknown, Will test in the morning.
Here is a picture of my new Bubble Coral. Was wondering if it is supposed to look like this, for how long?. I also noticed what looked like a long strand of red hair which was connected to the skeleton the coral is attacked to or was attached to the Coral. It detached a little later on.


Active Member
To echo Meowzer, Welcome! Hope you hang around and ask plenty of questions and be a part of the community!
Also of note beyond the bubble question, your Horseshoe may outgrow a 20g in time. How long have you had your Mandarin? Was it aquacultured and is eating frozen food or does it require live foods?
Thanks Slice, I will be upgrading to a larger tank once I find the space plus more money to afford it. If my Horseshoe outgrows my 20g then I will sell it, or if I get a bigger tank before that then just place it in the larger tank. As for the Mandarin. It was aquacultured, had him for about a week. He is eating frozen food with ease. I put food in the tank and he usually waits for the food to come by him.. but once the food sets at the bottom he goes around eating it off the rock/ sand. He is happy and healthy, I will start breeding copeopods soon just in case.


Active Member
Great to hear Scarface, I was just checking...
I love mandarins, I must get myself one in time.
They are a very nice addition in any tank. They are truly gorgeous fish. I read that people say you should not keep them in less then a 55g tank. I believe as long as they don't have restricted movement and swimming space like too small of a space then they will be fine as long as you can provide enough food. I read an article that someone kept it in a 10g tank and it was happy and healthy because he could provide the food needed.